I have a humming coming through my speakers. I've searched through the forums for ground loop fixes and suggestions and tried a lot of them. I have tried:
- Trying the amp in another room (actually 2)
- disconnecting everything from the pre/pro but the amp
- changing speaker cables
- changing interconnects
- checking the cable tv ground wire
- turning off the circuit breakers through the entire house except for the one in the room, turned off everything else on the circuit, unplugged the power strip, unplugged the cable tv from the wall and connected the amp directly to the wall socket
- checked with multiple speakers
- tried a Jensen iso-max on the rf cable
I'm about at my wits end here. I did connect my amps (2 channel and a 5 channel) together at the chassis with a 14 gauge wire and the humming isn't as loud, but you can still here it when you stand next to the speaker and it gets amplified once the system is on and you can hear it during quiet moments in tv/movie/music.
I've added three pictures for some clarification of what I found when I went hunting the house ground. I found that two ground wires are coming out of the electrical box outside. (grounds.jpg). The blue arrow is the wire that leads into the house, the red arrow is the wire that goes into the actual ground. I tried connecting the two grounds with a spare length of 14 gauge wire but that didn't get rid of the hum
The second pic (random ground.jpg) shows a random grey sheathed wire that is coming up out the ground. It is attached to the house ground (red arrow wire from grounds.jpg), but I haven't the slightest clue why. I tried removing it, still have the hum. I tried attaching it to the ground wire that goes into the house (blue arrow wire from grounds.jpg) but I still have the hum. The green wire is the cable tv ground. In the bottom left hand corner you can see the ground (blackish wire) going into the ground.
The third pic (GW to nowhere.jpg) shows that the ground that is coming into the house (blue arrow wire from grounds.jpg) doesn't attach to anything. I didn't see anything at the back of the breaker box that looked like a ground wire.
I'm hoping that someone here has an idea that I can try next. I'll pretty much try any tip or trick to see if it works. I'd also like to know if the "ground wire to nowhere" should actually be attached to something. Thanks in advance for any assistance