Onkyo TX-NR609 vs. Onkyo TX-NR808
I'm looking at the Onkyo TX-NR609 ($319 del) vs. Onkyo TX-NR808 (at $529 del), and would value the opinions of anyone more tech savvy than I.
I've currently got a Denon AVR-1912 (90 W), setup with Klipsch RF-82 ii fronts and the RF-62 ii (all 150w rms/600w Peak), with a Klipsch RW-12d sub (340 W RMS), and absolutely love the sound for sports, TV, Blu-Ray, Play Station 3 slim (and listening to Music Unlimited thru PS3).
I started to consider the NR609 to stick in my upstairs bedroom so I wouldn't have to listen to BluRays thru my TV speakers, but then my visions got more grand as I wondered, AM I CHEATING MY RF-82 II's BY NOT GIVING THEM ENOUGH POWER? Hence, I started looking at the NR808 at 135W.
My perhaps ignorant questions follow:
1. Would the NR808 be a significant upgrade to the Denon AVR 1912 for my main Home Theater room, or is the quality and reliability of the 1912 worth trading for the extra power in the NR808? (and if I'm not tech savvy, would the 808 be wasted on my ignorance in setting up a more loaded receiver?)
2. I like the idea of a PC input on the receiver. Currently I can hook my PC up to my TV, which is great visually, yet I can't be in TV mode and receiver mode at once on my TV, so that leaves me with weak audio coming from my laptop. Is it possible on the 609 and 808 to run video and audio from my laptop to the receiver, and enjoy the full experience of watching and listening to the latest version of a TV show that is only available through a PC--but now on the big screen with great audio?
3. I can't hard wire ethernet to either my main home theater or my weak bedroom setup. Does the UWF-1 Wireless LAN connector, or similar or similar product work on both the NR609 and NR808, or only the 609, and if it "works" how well, and over what distance? Or if I get Question #2 set up properly and can jam from my laptop, then is this absolutely redundant anyway, since I can stream other music through my PS3 already?
4. Lastly, if either the 609 or 808 have issues that would make you stay away from either of them, please let me know.
Thank you so much in advance! I have found the wonderful sharing of knowledge, friendliness, and comraderie to be amazing on these forums. You experts are the best!
Happy Holidays to all, and may bigger/better AV toys come your way over the holidays! --Troy