Geohot Leaves the U.S.



Audioholic Samurai
There's news that George Hotz aka Geohot has left the U.S. for South America this has me scratching my head, it wasn't to long ago that he was begging for donations for his legal defense. So the question must be asked how is it that he begged for money for his legal defense bills and can afford to run to South America? The way I see it all those that donated to this D-Bag got screwed out of their money.

here's a link to the article


He's on vacation not running. Some blog/news site started this rumor and everyone jumped on it to get web hits. Sony is just pushing the angle with the court.

I believe it was noted in the court documents about his going on vacation there as well.

The part that made me laugh was him wearing a shirt with the LG brand on it. (Conveniently edited out of the PSLS article)


They actually have contacted and confirmed things via Hotz himself in many cases.
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Audioholic Samurai
Hence why the title of this thread is "Geohot leaves the U.S." but in the court of public opinion when a defendant leaves the country amidst a court proceeding it looks bad. I still think he's a D-Bag for various reasons but we only have his word that he hasn't used donations for his vacation so for now I'll take him at his word......for now.
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
If I already had travel plans and was being sued by a major company, I'd sure as hell take my vacation while I still could :D

Of course, if he used the donations for the legal defense that's not good, but we'll see what the word is on that.


we only have his word that he hasn't used donations for his vacation so for now I'll take him at his word......for now.
We have his lawyer's word too.

I also agree Geo's a huge D-bag. However I also think that every person has someone who thinks they're a d-bag so I try not to let it color my view of things. As such, I did donate 20$ based on the precedent this case would set.

If you read the Groklaw article you can see Geohot has stayed involved in the case constantly even while on vacation.


Audioholic Samurai
You had me on your side until you said

We have his lawyer's word too.
Trusting the word of a lawyer is like putting your faith in a proctologist with only three fingers.:D
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Hence why the title of this thread is "Geohot leaves the U.S." but in the court of public opinion when a defendant leaves the country amidst a court proceeding it looks bad. I still think he's a D-Bag for various reasons but we only have his word that he hasn't used donations for his vacation so for now I'll take him at his word......for now.
The general public are a bunch of morons that can't tie their shoes without the help of the media and the corporate over seers.

This is a civil case. I didn't see SCEA's memo to all employees canceling their vacation time while they are in court with GeoHot.

Yah, he's a d-bag for taking on Apple, jail-breaking an iPhone and now the exclusion to the DMCA allowing for jail-breaking of phones so you can do stuff like: Switch to another provider.


Audioholic Samurai
The general public are a bunch of morons that can't tie their shoes without the help of the media and the corporate over seers.

This is a civil case. I didn't see SCEA's memo to all employees canceling their vacation time while they are in court with GeoHot.

Yah, he's a d-bag for taking on Apple, jail-breaking an iPhone and now the exclusion to the DMCA allowing for jail-breaking of phones so you can do stuff like: Switch to another provider.
I didn't factor what he did with the iPhone as one of the reason for my opinion of him. As far as I'm aware of, all the employees of Sony are not involved with the court case. If I was in his situation I wouldn't go on vacation if a corporation accuses me of violating their rights it just shows that I'm not taking this allegation seriously IMO.


I didn't factor what he did with the iPhone as one of the reason for my opinion of him. As far as I'm aware of, all the employees of Sony are not involved with the court case. If I was in his situation I wouldn't go on vacation if a corporation accuses me of violating their rights it just shows that I'm not taking this allegation seriously IMO.
Let me get this straight:

You are saying that due to the mere accusation of a large corporate conglomerate that you are going to put your life on hold?

You do realize that he had no court appearances to go to during his break.

Again, this is a CIVIL case.

Sony actually have been very underhanded in how they are spinning all this. First it was he tampered with his hard-drives, no he just didn't send an off the shelf drive controller with them.

Now 'he has fled the country', NO he is taking a break that he paid for a planned before all this started. I shiver at how retarded the technology industry would have been if Commodore acted in this manner with the C64.

The fact that you guys are swallowing Sony's machinations let me know we are truly forked. Government ran by corporations are here.


Audioholic Samurai
Let me get this straight:

You are saying that due to the mere accusation of a large corporate conglomerate that you are going to put your life on hold?

You do realize that he had no court appearances to go to during his break.

Again, this is a CIVIL case.

Sony actually have been very underhanded in how they are spinning all this. First it was he tampered with his hard-drives, no he just didn't send an off the shelf drive controller with them.

Now 'he has fled the country', NO he is taking a break that he paid for a planned before all this started. I shiver at how retarded the technology industry would have been if Commodore acted in this manner with the C64.

The fact that you guys are swallowing Sony's machinations let me know we are truly forked. Government ran by corporations are here.
When did forgoing a vacation become putting ones life on hold? There's more to life than a vacation, I have never said that Sony was a bunch of saints either nor did I say their allegations are true about him "fleeing the country" or that he "tampered with his HDD's" what I did say is he left the country and why I thought it was a bad move on his part. But what gets me is that you accuse me of being in lock step with Sony's spin AFWIW the corporations already own the government and have before most of us were born. And for the record I have also been critical of Sony's actions in past posts with some of the stupidity that have tried to pull.


When did forgoing a vacation become putting ones life on hold? There's more to life than a vacation, I have never said that Sony was a bunch of saints either nor did I say their allegations are true about him "fleeing the country" or that he "tampered with his HDD's" what I did say is he left the country and why I thought it was a bad move on his part. But what gets me is that you accuse me of being in lock step with Sony's spin AFWIW the corporations already own the government and have before most of us were born. And for the record I have also been critical of Sony's actions in past posts with some of the stupidity that have tried to pull.
Then WHY such an inflammatory first post. It sounded, IMO, like a typical of today's media sound bite.

Not sure what the guy did to you. I know what he did for me and literally millions of others: Something Apple would have never willingly done and put all other cell phone manufacturers and carriers on notice.

I think they guy deserves a vacation, not to be called a d-bag.


Some information:

"The 'integral components' SCEA is talking about are stock controller cards, not the hard drives themselves," Kellar told IGN in an e-mail. "The neutral subsequently had to explain to SCEA the form and function of hard drive controller cards. Those controller cards have since been provided to the neutral so the point is moot."

Kellar also states Hotz is using the donation money he received for the lawsuit only and will donate any leftover funds after the case has been resolved.

"You can never take a vacation from a lawsuit. Mr. Hotz has had to make himself available 24/7 for this litigation, which has been quite demanding on him," he said. "You have to remember that Mr. Hotz didn't choose to fight this battle, but now that he has been sued, he has put his heart into fighting this case that has enormous implications for consumers world-wide."

"As for any question as to whether Mr. Hotz has used donation money to take a trip to South America, that's pretty silly. Litigating against a massive company like Sony, who is represented by five attorneys, is very costly for a 21-year-old," Kellar added. "The donation money George has received is being used exclusively for his legal defense. If there are any funds left after the lawsuit, George is planning to donate the money to the EFF [Electronic Frontier Foundation].

Lets keep this a facts based discussion.


Audioholic Samurai
While many iPhone users may appreciated what he has done for them there are many PS3 Fat owners that don't and I count myself among them. His actions with the PS3 has led to countless updates and removal of the Other Os feature, before some says that the PS3 Slim already removed it to increase profits which is true but removing this feature from the Fat in no way increased Sony's profits since they where already produced. I'm not against someone taking a vacation but the timing could have been better, as the old saying goes there are two sides to every story and somewhere in between them is the truth.

Here's the official legal filling by SCEA
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While many iPhone users may appreciated what he has done for them there are many PS3 Fat owners that don't and I count myself among them. His actions with the PS3 has led to countless updates and removal of the Other Os feature, before some says that the PS3 Slim already removed it to increase profits which is true but removing this feature from the Fat in no way increased Sony's profits since they where already produced. I'm not against someone taking a vacation but the timing could have been better, as the old saying goes there are two sides to every story and somewhere in between them is the truth.

Here's the official legal filling by SCEA
I suppose GeoHot is responsible for the screwing Sony gave everyone when it dumped hardware PS2 emulation also?

If this goes the way of the iPhone then there will be a bunch of PS3 Fat (whatever) owners thanking him for finally ripping control of something they purchased to do with as they legally please.

All I know is that the spin (actually sensationalism of the worst kind) that Sony has put on this really calls into question the entire affair. SCEA doesn't come to this with clean hands.


Audioholic Samurai
jinjuku said:
I suppose GeoHot is responsible for the screwing Sony gave everyone when it dumped hardware PS2 emulation also?
Is this the part where I'm suppose blame him for Sony's stupidity as well. Sorry but the removal of PS2 emulation is something Sony did all by themselves, well like I posted before I never claimed that Sony was ran by a bunch of saints and when they do something that's stupid I'll slam them to. Each side has used spin and here are my favorites from both.


"He tampered with the HDD's":rolleyes:


"I've never heard of the SCEA":rolleyes:


Audioholic Intern
If this goes the way of the iPhone then there will be a bunch of PS3 Fat (whatever) owners thanking him for finally ripping control of something they purchased to do with as they legally please.
Sorry, but all his hacking of the PS3 has done for me is made online gaming in several title's nearly unplayable. Have you even looked at MW2 online since people started using his hack to mod it? Oh, and the removal of the ability to install Linux on my PS3. Way to stick it to "The Man" (me).

If you don't like what the product does, don't buy it.

Your pro-Geohot bandwagon campaign about as bad as any spin that Sony can put on anything.

The fact that you guys are swallowing Sony's machinations let me know we are truly forked. Government ran by corporations are here.
The fact that you believe hacking and ruining the gaming experience of hundreds of thousands of people is a great idea, lets me know we are truly forked. Governments being run by corporations...Where have you been? That was around long before Sony gaming consoles.
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Hacked PS3's haven't been able to go online for almost a month now. So any hacks or cheats you are seeing on PSN are unrelated to the cracked PS3's discussed in this case.

Most of the "cheating" I've seen has come in the way of exploits in the game or maps themselves. IE glitching out of the map or onto things you shouldn't be able to reach.


Sorry, but all his hacking of the PS3 has done for me is made online gaming in several title's nearly unplayable. Have you even looked at MW2 online since people started using his hack to mod it? Oh, and the removal of the ability to install Linux on my PS3. Way to stick it to "The Man" (me).
Blame the cheater. Duh.

If you don't like what the product does, don't buy it.
I haven't

Your pro-Geohot bandwagon campaign about as bad as any spin that Sony can put on anything.
Not necessarily pro GeoHot. I am more pro 'you bought it you own it'. Big CEA and Media companies don't want you actually owning anything any more.

The fact that you believe hacking and ruining the gaming experience of hundreds of thousands of people is a great idea, lets me know we are truly forked. Governments being run by corporations...Where have you been? That was around long before Sony gaming consoles.
Again, blame the Gun companies, not the gun owners. Blame the Alcohol companies, not the drunk drivers.

Sony has managed (along with MS) quite well to kick-ban cheaters.

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