Yes, we ran sweeps last night, which took quite some time to run through...
We finished with this measurement for now....
We spent alot of time going through about 50 to 60 sweeps at least... 4 hours running multiple different sweeps and some varying placement options, moving the main sub behind the plasma and back out to the left of the entertainment console. I think the measurements came out very nicely with what we have to work with in there.
There is alot of balancing acts to perform... once getting phase and delay setup, getting one sub EQ'd and then introducing the second and then third and forth - the interactions that come into play are astounding - it gets somewhat overwhelming...
Ya can't EQ too much before introducing the next sub - which will add different peaks and dips that can become drastically worse if EQ was applied previously. So you have to do a great deal of before and after measuring and adjustments just starting with 1 sub and moving on to the next...
I tried to boost the low end with the DCX, ran with 7 - 9db, but I think I may need to do more tweaking and experimentation. My room is so large and I get absolutely zero gain down low..... Don't get me wrong - the bass in this room is super clean and the output is staggering, I am by no means disappointed with the SQ or output, I can be 15-20db hot and it'll keep up with no problems at all... I like to run about 5-10db hot so the additional drivers and amps have been and will be priceless for the future.
I may have to look into something more for the signal shaping of the sealed cabs here... I have never been one who chases the single digits output and trust me when I tell you that things are seriously shaking in my house.
I'll post up the start to finish sweeps when I get them organized and uploaded.