It finally hit me last night, I think I'm ruined for going to the theatre anymore. Or at the very least, only going to special IMAX presentations.
Last night, I figured I check out Battle for LA (pure popcorn flick) I got there early so I could get my seat in the sweet spot. So I'm all set for a good 2 hour vacation from reality... then the reality of moving going set in.
First it was a group of 6 tweeners out on a field trip that wanted sit together in a line like the girls from the children's book Madeline. Did they ask if I would mind moving, nope. Leader of the clan told me I "needed to move over 2 seats because there were six of them". So I calmly looked up and said "So? 4 on my left and 2 on my right. 4 plus 2 makes six, I'm not moving." So one of the girls in the group asked a guy on the far end to move down one, and then asked me nicely if I wouldn't mind moving over one. So fine, one seat, no big deal.
Then the film started and I noticed the screen was dirty and stained, there was a film scratch through the middle of the screen of the entire movie. Not the green emulsion scratch, but faint little scratches like the print jumped a roller in a previous showing. But I couldn't take my eyes off of it. The sound of the film wasn't that impactful either. For that movie, I should have felt blown away. Oh, and someone brought in a 6 year old kid to see the film too. Not that I hate kids, I don't. I have two young ones, and I didn't take them to see that film.
Now, this used to be my go-to theatre back in the day. But since setting up my own room, I rarely go out to the movies anymore. The last film I saw was IMAX Tron. And before that, I think it was the IMAX 3D of Avatar.
My friends have told me I have a theater killer in my house, I guess last night I realized that the multi-plex was truly dead to me. Kinda sad really.
Oh well, maybe there's a drive-in somewhere close to Philly.