Now grounding is a huge problem, especially when you have a rack.
The issue is that some units are double insulated and others three pin mains leads.
Now, you have a lot of options, once you mount a unit like the Marantz in question in a rack. It will ground the case to the rack. Now what do you do with other rack mounted units? They will ground through the rack. So what do you do with the mains lead ground, lift it or not? Usually trial and error here.
What about units not in the rack. Do you ground the chassis of those double insulated units to the rack or not? Then if you do, do you lift the mains grounds or not?
So whether a unit hums in a given situation depends to a very large degree on how the units ground plane is configured. And this leaves out house wiring and grounding issues, add them in and you have a real witches brew.
I found the house grounding, including antennas, TV feeds, and phone issues have to be considered in the whole design package.