What is your equipment list....? Pre-Amp...?
What speakers could you possibly feel will produce better low end grunt then the JL's ?
I got some IMO fantastic mains, that will dig deep but I still xo at 120hz....
I'm not quite sure what pre-amp I will be using, it may change in the future..I downsized last year, and went "vintage" on much of what I have.
VAC CPA-1 MKIII (sent to VAC last year, updated/upgraded as far as they could take it) with Signature phono mods
Accuphase C-200X (will upgrade Caps, other needed parts soon)
Harmon Kardon Citation I (will be completely upgraded soon)
Harmon Kardon Citation II (will be fully upgraded soon)
Green Mountain Audio "Continuum 3"
I think you missunderstood what I meant with my main speakers... I run them "full range" WITH my F113s, as I don't have a Xover now.
Actually, it didn't sound that bad, I was able to blend them together somewhat well without a crossover.
Actually, this system is in storage until my house is finished...I'm in "remodel hell" and hopefully this summer will be done.
In the basement, I have an old vintage Sansui AU 11000A integrated amp with Celestion model 11 speakers supplying music until my remodel is finished.
Hope that helped..