just off the top of my head
Warpdrv runs Paradigm S8s
KEW considers Paradigm S2s to be very nice speakers
Jerry Love runs Paradigm S2s
Oppman runs S8s
Just off the top of my head that`s four regular forum goers who "welcome" paradigm.
Regarding the main site I believe they've reviewed the S6s and definitely always give paradigm coverage on first looks.
Face it man, no brand except RBH will get everything reviewed anywhere.
Most publications take what they get and run with it. It's not the end of the world if teh Sub12 doesn't get reviewed, even if that's what you happen to own one. We'd all like Tom Andry to have to lug every single brand around and do a shootout every month. It's just the way it is. It has nothing to do with Paradigm being "unwelcome here" nor do DIYers look to hijack paradigm threads.
Only one thing rules on this site - Bang. For. Buck. And the truth is that the Paradigm subs really don't present much bang for buck, even if they're well designed.
The two subwoofers being discussed in this thread? Both excellent bang for buck. In the context of that there's simply no reason to bring the Sub12 or any other $2000 sub into the conversation. If there were then I'd tell the OP to go pick up a Danley DTS-20 or four.
No, I don't see how I or anyone else ruined the thread. Apparently, no one else does either because the thread is still open.
I don't mean to be rude, but you're just being oversensitive and self absorbed. That's not how any internet forum works. I don't know what your expectations are but you need to change them.