

Audioholic Ninja
I'd planned to pull the trigger on a Behringer DSP1124 because it's cheap and has a great reputation. It's about $100 plus $20 or so worth of adapters. Then I read about the "MiniDSP In A Box" out of Hong Kong and it has me intrigued. I found this write up on here. Including software it would run about $175 delivered. Any thoughts?


Audioholic Ninja
The miniDSPs definitely look just plain excellent however my primary concern with them is that they apparently clip at higher power levels.


Audioholic Ninja
As an FYI I received an answer to my email to MiniDSP. They said that the "In A Box" models are both "Rev A" (0.9V input) and "Rev B" (2V input) and it's just a jumper setting that they do for you before shipping. They also referred me to a FAQ that shows the Rev B is the version for use with a receiver's preouts or a home preamp. I haven't made up my mind yet about DSP1124 or MiniDSP.


Audioholic Ninja
As an FYI I received an answer to my email to MiniDSP. They said that the "In A Box" models are both "Rev A" (0.9V input) and "Rev B" (2V input) and it's just a jumper setting that they do for you before shipping. They also referred me to a FAQ that shows the Rev B is the version for use with a receiver's preouts or a home preamp. I haven't made up my mind yet about DSP1124 or MiniDSP.
In that case.. I think I may pull the trigger x_X


Audioholic Ninja
I can't possibly imagine that the mini dsp would not be a great little device, being so completely simple to program. USB integration....

Do you have a measurement system in place... REW ?

I have yet to ever get REW implemented properly for myself, my buddy (Nuance) always came over to help me with his rig.. but I'm going to be picking up the Dayton OmniMic System, Simple - USB Mic and software, no preamps or calibrating necessary..... should be avail on the 12th of Jan....

Some good Discussion on it over at AVS...


Check ebay for the feedback destroyer too... I put in a random bid for a used one for $50 and it was accepted. Best deal I could have asked for and it works great. Good luck!


Audioholic Ninja
I can't possibly imagine that the mini dsp would not be a great little device, being so completely simple to program. USB integration....

Do you have a measurement system in place... REW ?

I have yet to ever get REW implemented properly for myself, my buddy (Nuance) always came over to help me with his rig.. but I'm going to be picking up the Dayton OmniMic System, Simple - USB Mic and software, no preamps or calibrating necessary..... should be avail on the 12th of Jan....

Some good Discussion on it over at AVS...
It looks great but not being an installer integrator $300 is too rich for my blood for something I'll use once or twice. I have SMS-1 bass management systems in my bedroom and family rooms so all that's left is my home-office. If I were to spend $150 on a PEQ and $300 a mic and software then I may as well just pick up another SMS-1 for $450.

I have the mics and XLR cables from the the SMS-1s which should be usable, or I could pick up a Dayton EMM-6 mic and Nady SMPS-USB phantom power/USB interface. Or I can just use the rat shack meter.


Audioholic Ninja
I think the cal files are loaded into the SMS, and its unlikely you'll get those from Velodyne....


I've been following that thread at avs as well. 99% sure I'll be picking the OmniMic System up as well.


Audioholic Ninja
I've been following that thread at avs as well. 99% sure I'll be picking the OmniMic System up as well.
Yeah, it looks to be a nice complete and simple tool.... I hope it pans out as stated...

Even Mark Seaton is looking at this unit to offer in a package with his systems, so IMO if its going to live up to his standards - it certainly will be good enough for me...

Ease of use will easily justify the little bit of extra expense...


You guys have to stop giving me more things to spend money on. :mad:

Been looking to buy a decent mic and preamp w/ phantom power for use with my laptop for calibrations. The OminMic just makes it easier. I guess I'm on the e-mail waiting list with the rest of you. :(

I'll still need somebody to explain how to use the DEQ2496 to me in English. :mad:
I can't complain too much. Gene gave it to me. Free is always good.


Audioholic Ninja
I got the DCX, so I'm not sure the same info applies...

Using it for speaks / full range or Sub area ?


I was hoping I could use the DEQ2496 for EQ'n my subs. Gene gave it to me without the manual. I DL'd the manual, but really haven't read it or played with the EQ. I'd still need to buy a mic if I wanted to use it's on-board RTA.

But this USB mic from PE looks to be a heck of a lot easier to use then my other options. And these little MiniDSP's would be easier to play with since I can sit back in the recliner with the laptop and a beer playing with thing remotely rather than making inputs to a front panel. :cool:


Seriously, I have no life.
Check ebay for the feedback destroyer too... I put in a random bid for a used one for $50 and it was accepted. Best deal I could have asked for and it works great. Good luck!
Yes, that is a very good price and is a great tool. It can be tailored to very specific and narrow issues if needed. EQ work processed in the digital domain.


Audioholic Ninja
I decided to play it safe and save $50 and ordered the DSP1124.


I was hoping I could use the DEQ2496 for EQ'n my subs. Gene gave it to me without the manual. I DL'd the manual, but really haven't read it or played with the EQ. I'd still need to buy a mic if I wanted to use it's on-board RTA.

But this USB mic from PE looks to be a heck of a lot easier to use then my other options. And these little MiniDSP's would be easier to play with since I can sit back in the recliner with the laptop and a beer playing with thing remotely rather than making inputs to a front panel. :cool:
Yes, that is a very good price and is a great tool. It can be tailored to very specific and narrow issues if needed. EQ work processed in the digital domain.
I wish someone would do a dumb-ed down instruction video on how to use the 2496 and/or 1124.


Audioholic Ninja
I wish someone would do a dumb-ed down instruction video on how to use the 2496 and/or 1124.
That would be nice wouldn't it! I looked on youtube but all I found was Patrick Norton explaining how to build sonotube subs and the mythbusters gas powered sub. :D


Audioholic Ninja
I wish someone would do a dumb-ed down instruction video on how to use the 2496 and/or 1124.
The DCX is pretty simple to use, once you get an understanding of how everything is laid out....

Even better yet, if you have a USB to serial connection cable, you can use the windows remote software program and make all the adjustments on your computer - BTW you don't need to be hooked up to the DCX to play with it, just Download and run it.... this may be of help...

on this page.... This is for the DCX2496 (NOT the DEQ)

  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis