Monitoring program may not be accurate at all...
Although the difference between your idle and loaded temps is fine, the first thing you should consider is that your program may not be reading the sensors correctly. Pretty much it's a crapshoot as far as temps are concerned, unless your utility was written by the motherboard manufacturer. If you are using a fairly recent CPU... then I would recommend either using something from you MB vendor or perhaps
HWMonitor from Cpuid. Ignore the 'cpu temperature' as reported by the motherboard sensors for the most part and only worry about your CPU core temperatures.
You could also get
CoreTemp to read this which I highly recommend as it will also display what the TjMax value for your CPU is (assuming it's a supported model) which is the point at which the thermal protection for your CPU will kill cycles to save itself.
If you have the case for it, and are trying to reduce noise while still running full speed (which I assume noise is an issue since you're on here) I would recommend upgrading to a 120mm based CPU cooler from any of the better manufacturers - lots of sites review every cooler out there and have regular shootouts. By getting the most efficient and largest cooler your case will allow you can often reduce the speeds of (or replace with slower, quieter) fans in the case itself... resulting in lower temperatures and a silent or near-silent system.
As a side note... another benefit of using coretemp on a multicore system is that often (although not always) you can see the effectiveness of your thermal paste application. If all of your cores are operating within a couple of degrees of each other under similar loads then you've got good coverage... if one or more are operating 6-10C hotter - then you likely have a gap or bubble which will contribute more heat to the CPU itself. This isn't always the case, but it can be. On the grease, if you are using a stock HSF that came with your CPU... most likely it came with the 'graypad' which definitely works, but I've always found that even if you aren't upgrading the cooler, just cleaning that crap off thoroughly and replacing it with something like Arctic Silver will net you a 2-3C reduction in temps without changing any other aspects of your system.
NOTE: If you have a retail packaged system - just removing the HSF on the CPU *might* void your warranty, so check that first before you go yanking it off.