Awesome. Had a good story (based on a true story), great fight scenes and was well paced overall. Very well done film. I had heard of it, but when the first BD release came out, which may have been an import, it was selling for around $50! So I didn't pick it up. The current release is on sale at Frys for $15. Fans of films the likes of Crouching Tiger, Hidden dragon, House of Flying Daggers, and similar will most likely enjoy this one. I checked out both the dub and the chinese track and both sound pretty good; as is usually the case, the original language track sounds better. Not what I would call reference tracks, but good. The video is clean, but the majority of the film is relatively dark with a somber pallette. Choreography is very good, though it doesn't focus mainly on the fights, the story is the main draw IMO.
Recommended but for fans of the genre HIGHLY recommended
It is available to stream via Netflix, however it is stereo only and subtitled for those who don't want to read.
Looking forward to part two.