No one has even suggested that it would be the only version available...
Hurt Lock and Dexter can easily be filed under not for kids...
Transformers and other could easily be edited to remove the extra language and give a choice in which soundtrack to use. Seems like the studios would gain a wider audience.
There are many many movies I do not watch anymore due to having my 3 year old around. She is a sponge. I am not at all saying that it is ok for her to watch violence, sex, etc. I avoid those as well. But there are PG movies that suggestively swear. Ice Age 2 when the wall of ice is breaking off the one animal say DAMN! or DAM! It doesn't matter that it was supposed to be a play on words. I felt it was totally unacceptable.
I am not trying to nerf it for anyone else. If the choice was there I would choose it. It currently is not therefore there are many less movies I choose to rent/buy.