
Ok. I just installed an Auzentech Prelude into my computer a few days ado, and for Christmas, I want to get a Sub for my system. This sub will be replacing for huge towers, each with a 12" woofer. I know that I will be downgrading, because 1 sub cannot have the same power as 4. I listen to a lot of tecnho/trance/hardstyle and screamo (Great combo... right?). I also game a lot on my computer. My setup is Prelude > Pioneer VSX-518 Receiver > Sub/ Speakers.

I want for the sub to get down to as close to 20hz as possible, as well as being loud. I am mainly leaning towards the ED a2-300 for $415 shipped. I am also looking at the HSU STF-2 Is there any other subs in the price range that is better then that sub?

music( tecnho/trance/hardstyle and screamo ) %40
PC gaming %40
movies %10
Youtube %10.

Also,how do horn subs compare to the ones mentioned above(at the same price). Also, I don't want to do a DIY thing. I'm not good at that stuff.



Audioholic Ninja
I want for the sub to get down to as close to 20hz as possible, as well as being loud. I am mainly leaning towards the ED a2-300 for $415 shipped. I am also looking at the HSU STF-2 Is there any other subs in the price range that is better then that sub?
Both are nice choices... the eD will likely give you better extension, i'd put my money on the HSU and a few others for output capability though.

Personally at that general price range, I'd go for the Epik Legend. Two 12" drivers = just a ton of radiating area! It probably has the best chest slam as well as a more smooth response curve.

re: Horns - they have a lot of volume capability thanks to their efficiency, but they're not going to have deep extension unless they're huge. They're good for parties, but not really home theater.

Well, that's not quite true either. Some horns are great for home theater. BUt chances are you have to assemble them yourself ie a THT, or they're well out of your price range ie Danley / JTR stuff.

The dual sealed is IMO the best choice.

If you're okay with stretching the budget, you can get two Epik Legends for 800 dollars. That's pretty much unbeatable!
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Audioholic Ninja
Both are good options, but I agree that the stretch to an Epik Legend would likely be worth it. How big a room are we talking about?


Audioholic Field Marshall
I have the Legend and could not be more satisfied, it gets down low with plenty of output and impressed with the clean and seamless integration with mains, thinking of getting a second Legend with it's current price and Chad at Epik said he would give me the discount as if I bought dual Legends, great sub and grest customer service, $499 for one or $899 for two. Hope this helps.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Both are nice choices... the eD will likely give you better extension, i'd put my money on the HSU and a few others for output capability though.

Personally at that general price range, I'd go for the Epik Legend. Two 12" drivers = just a ton of radiating area! It probably has the best chest slam as well as a more smooth response curve.

re: Horns - they have a lot of volume capability thanks to their efficiency, but they're not going to have deep extension unless they're huge. They're good for parties, but not really home theater.

Well, that's not quite true either. Some horns are great for home theater. BUt chances are you have to assemble them yourself ie a THT, or they're well out of your price range ie Danley / JTR stuff.

The dual sealed is IMO the best choice.

If you're okay with stretching the budget, you can get two Epik Legends for 800 dollars. That's pretty much unbeatable!
Grant, I never felt the chest slam as you mentioned until I got the Legend, I felt this energy wave that seemed to emanate from the TV and it actually surprised and frightened me at the same time.


Grant, I never felt the chest slam as you mentioned until I got the Legend, I felt this energy wave that seemed to emanate from the TV and it actually surprised and frightened me at the same time.
Both are nice choices... the eD will likely give you better extension, i'd put my money on the HSU and a few others for output capability though.

Personally at that general price range, I'd go for the Epik Legend. Two 12" drivers = just a ton of radiating area! It probably has the best chest slam as well as a more smooth response curve.

re: Horns - they have a lot of volume capability thanks to their efficiency, but they're not going to have deep extension unless they're huge. They're good for parties, but not really home theater.

Well, that's not quite true either. Some horns are great for home theater. BUt chances are you have to assemble them yourself ie a THT, or they're well out of your price range ie Danley / JTR stuff.

The dual sealed is IMO the best choice.

If you're okay with stretching the budget, you can get two Epik Legends for 800 dollars. That's pretty much unbeatable!
Both are good options, but I agree that the stretch to an Epik Legend would likely be worth it. How big a room are we talking about?
I have the Legend and could not be more satisfied, it gets down low with plenty of output and impressed with the clean and seamless integration with mains, thinking of getting a second Legend with it's current price and Chad at Epik said he would give me the discount as if I bought dual Legends, great sub and grest customer service, $499 for one or $899 for two. Hope this helps.
The legend is $565.92 after shipping, while I can get the A2-300 for $415.00 shipped and the STF-2 for $358 shipped. The legend is just a bit more than I'm looking to spend. So unless I can get the legend for cheaper than what it says on the website, it is out of the picture.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
If extension is what you are after, the A2-300 should get you closer to your goal. I used to have a STF2 though, that was a good little sub, it's what got me started with my bass obsession, so I have fond memories of it. However it rolls off at 25 hertz whereas the A2-300 extends below 20 hertz (how cleanly it does so is what I am wondering), although I wouldn't be surprised if the STF2 was more articulate within it's range.


I am now leaning towards the a2-300, but how is its bang for the buck compared to the stf-2? And is the legend really worth it. How much better is it than the a2-200? and what about its extension? does it really matter that it is sealed, or does the dual subs make up for that.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
I would expect the A2-300 to have a bit more output, but not a huge amount, than the STF2. I don't think the Epik Legend will be a output monster, from what I have read it doesn't look like it can quite match the SVS PB10 in output, which is another $500 subwoofer. If you want output and extension and can spend up to 500, check out Outlaw Audio's B-stock section, you can get a Outlaw LFM-1 Plus for 450 with free shipping, and that will clobber all of the aforementioned subs in deep bass output. Even better, get the B-stock LFM-1 EX, $574 shipped, which has substantially more deep bass output than the LFM-1 Plus. The LFM-1 EX is a pretty large subwoofer though, just an FYI, but it would be your surest bet for monster deep bass output. I wouldn't wait too long to get it if its what you want though, who knows how long they will have B-stock inventory.


I wanna go for new.
This is what I'm using the sub for:

music( tecnho/trance/hardstyle and screamo ) %40
PC gaming %40
movies %10
Youtube %10.

It is in a room that is 13x12x8. Does that help your decision?


For a room that size the A2-300 should be good - IMO. What speakers are you using with sub? You mentioned towers in the OP but said the sub was replacing them. However, you also said you are going to have speakers as well.

Are you going to keep using the two towers and simply use a crossover to play everything below a certain level - say 60hz - through the sub? I hope so otherwise any of the subs you mentioned will dominate your sound. That can be a pretty sweet system if you do. Assuming the towers a solid for highs and midrange. The extension needed for many PC games and essentially house music should be well handled by the A2-300

Just out of curiosity - what is screamo music?


Audioholic Intern
I have a STF-1 in my bedroom it's about 2,100 ft cu and it's blows me away. No it don't plum into the under 20hz land but it's clean and tight great for music and does well for movies. I can't say on the ED but I'm a HSU fan have fun hunting.


Audioholic Ninja
I think others have summed this up well. The eD will hit a little lower and will have a bit more output whereas the HSU will be a bit more articulate. Choose your poison :)


what is the difference between the spike and hourglass feet? the spikes dont look like they would be good for any floor. What do the hourglass look like and are they worth 15 dollars


Junior Audioholic
what is the difference between the spike and hourglass feet? the spikes dont look like they would be good for any floor. What do the hourglass look like and are they worth 15 dollars
Spikes are meant for carpeted floors and I imagine they work particularly well for deep plush carpet.

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