Thanks for the pics sholling. Like I said at AVS, watts doesn't mean nearly as much as sensitivity of the driver. It looks like to me that this has a pretty good driver, to achieve those spl measurements. I'd love to know the excursion capability of that driver, I'm guessing it's pretty high- just look at that heavy duty gasket. Think about this, doubling the amplifier power typically only amounts to a 3 db gain in SPL for speakers. To human perception, that's not a lot louder. But a 700 watt RMS amp would be considerably more expensive than a 350 watt amp, and not only that, it adds a lot more weight.
I don't know the max output measurements for the A7, but I wouldn't be surprised if the VTF-15H can come close or match it. It looks like from Ilkkas measurements of max clean output, this thing is matching the output performance of a PB13 Ultra which is twice as expensive, and the A7 isn't going to be a lot louder than a PB13 Ultra. I hate to gush over something that isn't even a day old, but now throw in variable tuning points, variable damping values, 90 lbs lighter, and less expensive, it makes the VTF-15H an amazing value. Having said all that, I would like to see third party measurements on it, Hsu's measurements are just unbelievable. They must have put a hell of a driver in that thing.