Since I bought this driver I've been fairly broke combined with schoolwork taking up most of my free time so buying supplies and building has really been reduced into "planning, waiting, and debating". I've got a driver and proamp in place, but that's about it... high pass filters, cabinet materials, phase control, EQ, etc aren't things I've got yet. I was fairly set on the common low tuned extended bass reflex sonotube build until today, where the idea of building a transmission line for it piqued my interest. From my understanding though, a transmission line to match the driver's respective free air resonance would be "rather large", but I guess I'm not really comprehending just how long or wide we're talking about. So I figured I'd post here and
1) Find out if
my driver seems suitable for a transmission line
2) What does the frequency response look like on one of these? One thing I read somewhere is that there would be a natural LPF around 75hz which ..well.. makes me wonder.. since my bookshelf surrounds want to be crossed over at 80hz... would I have a poor blend between my speakers?
3) Is it worth the effort of doing all the research and is it difficult to build?
I don't really know what I'm looking for in a sub. I realize there's no such thing as a perfect sub... some subs trade extension for output, others trade output for control and accuracy, and others seem to be a jack of all trades, master of none. I don't know what's important to me in a sub, but I guess I just want something that'll impress me with music and home theater... that's probably why I went with this driver in the first place because it seemed like good bang-for-buck. unfortunately this driver seemed to be modeling relatively well in different types of designs so it didn't make choosing any easier.
The only thing I've definitely decided is that I probably don't want to horn load or infinite baffle. Otherwise I think the speaker itself will be capable of sufficient raw output with any enclosure, so I just want to find the right balance between SQ, frequency extension, and box size. When I say box size, I guess some general max dimensions would be something like 28 x 28 x 76
I've been looking at a website called and it seems rather useful, but it seems like a lot of reading and that would only be worth it if this design is plausible(IT size, material, driver suitability, and low frequency extension) and reasonable.