The trouble with that is we don't get a decent winter here very often. Nova Scotia has pretty much the mildest climate in Canada. Everybody thinks it's BC that's mildest, but that's just their coastline - the interior gets pretty cold.
Sometimes we have mountains of snow - most of the time, it's slush or very little snow. I'd love lotsa snow - you can do winter stuff then.
NS is close to the gulf stream, so it tames down the winter to a significant degree. We get God-awful freeze/thaw cycles - that's why our roads are horrible. The frost heaves and potholes are something to behold come spring.
If it seems like I'm ranting - I am!

No wonder the middle east is always in turmoil. If I lived in that kinda heat year-round, I'd want to blow sh*t up too! (J/K!)