If I turn my tv, seen in sig, off and back on within a short time it returns to my hdmi input 1 which I consider my main, from rec/amp. But I have recently added a second hdmi input (hdmi 2), 3D blu ray direct to tv.
My problem is when I leave my tv off for a considerable amount of time and turn it on I have a blue screen, which I believe is the hdmi 2 input used by my blu ray. The screen is blue because the blu ray is off and there is no signal.
How do I set hdmi 1 ( called AVR) as my default input of choice when I turn on the tv? In the setup menu I can control the order they are viewed when I push input button and I have AVR listed first, but this does not seem to make it the default choice.
I could live with this, but the baby sitter (m-i-l) is not good with electronics.