The libertarian in me agrees that this is a civil rights issue. This really has nothing to do with marriage. To me (as a straight man), this is no different than the state of Kansas voting to deny me the right to marry. I don't care what majority rules, I would hope that the judge did his job and told all the haters where to stick it. The whole reason we have judges is to correct injustices based on our rights afforded to us in the Constitution. My personal opinion is the less government, religious fundies, socialist lefties, etc interference in our lives, especially our personal lives, the better. Quite frankly I think its a crime that the government rewards people for getting married. It just isn't any of their business.
In reality, its election season and the politicians are just using this and other wedge issues like immigration to fire up the bases. Happens every two years and nothing ever changes does it? Its because they get us to fight over stupid wedge issues that in the grand scheme of things don't really mean much to our daily lives, but they cut to the core of our beliefs. So instead of us focusing on how bad the corporations and special interests are ruining our country and how broken our SYSTEM is and not just the politicians, we are fighting over how to interpret a book that was written 2000 years ago based on stories that were passed down for 2 centuries before that instead of just using what we know now and applying logic to it. Common sense in this country took the first train out about 50 years ago.