I have been browsing the forms for quite some time now and I think I have a good idea of what I am looking for. A little advice please?
-For: Apartment
-Room Size: About 15' x 13'
-Ideally smaller sized speakers
-5.1 System
-Budget for speakers, receiver, and T.V. 2000$
-Movies 70% and music 30%
What I am thinking:
Receiver: Denon AVR-591 350$
Subwoofer: Emotiva Ultra 10" 289$
14 AWG 100' & Connectors 30$
Speakers: SVSound SBS-02 5.0 system 580$
TV: 40" Samsung Model (Haven't Decided) 800-1000$
What I have:
-Blue Ray equipped home computer with 8 channel sound core i7 bla bla bla...
Any thoughts on my choices? This would come out to be just around 2k. Also, is LED LCD worth the extra money? Thanks for all the help!
In addition is this too much for an apartment? I have good ears and I am not worried about volume, I care more about sound quality and surround sound effects. Perhaps a smaller system will be better for neighbors? Just a thought.