Well B&O have definitely turned me off of any of their other products, I hate it when a company makes **** so incompatible so that you are almost forced to use their stuff solely.
I appreciate all the help, really.
I'll keep my eyes out for a good enough pre-amp, if you see anything just gimme a holler cause I don't want to go and buy something not strong enough. As for what the speakers have inside of them I am not 100% sure but I know it's a fair bit, cause I don't think you have to buy the speakers and the set together, so I presume they are quality standalone somewhat.
I cant seem to find actual specifications though, you think if I called them up they would give me them?
Haha anyways I will keep on looking, will post if I find anything!
beophile dot com/?page_id=865
Dont suppose that link helps? I guess that's just obvious stuff.
EDIT: forums dot sonos dot com/archive/index.php?t-2983.html
This is useful too, I know I am getting this wrong and you will explain why but doesn't active speaker mean I don't need a preamp? Sorry, I just seek to not only make these work but to actually start understanding audio terms, cause it's really hard to be a learner in this, it seems everyone is either an expert or knows nothing, hard to become one!
An Active speaker means you need a pre amp but not a power amp.
Most speakers just have drivers and passive crossover components.
So they don't plug into an AC outlet.
Now your speakers take the output from the preamp and then use active crossovers built from op amp chips that need power. Then the individual filter outputs are sent to individual power amps, one for each pass band in each speaker. Then the power amps are directly connected to the speaker drivers responsible for reproducing that pass band. That is actually the best way of designing a speaker but it is not common. There is also a circuit that detects the incoming signal, if of sufficient voltage, and it turns on the active crossovers and power amps. There is also a timer to switch it off after a period of no signal. That is why they are complex and very expensive.
Now B & O cater to a wealthy crowd, from marketing surveys largely women, who just want a good total system installed. The designer never considered this a system for a kid to use on the cheap. It was not on his radar. That is a perfectly valid design approach even if it is bad news for you.
Now cutting edge aesthetics has always been a feature of B & O gear. That also demands unusual design approaches. They are not like Bose who just deliver bad sound and high visual design appeal.
The other factor in this preamp, I think it will have to be a low source impedance preamp because of the length of the cables to the speakers.
I have actually heard those speakers properly set up with subs B & O throughout, and while not the top of the mountain, they have a superior and satisfying sound. Here are you options to make them work properly.
First to make them sound good and prevent damage, I would say a sub is mandatory.
You then need either an AV receiver with pre outs, or an AV preamp.
Your other option is a sub plus electronic crossover to go between a good two channel pre amp the speakers and the sub.
Now those speakers are certainly worth money. To someone with the resources you lack, they could build a superior system round them.
At your level of financial resources, and experience, the more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to advise you to get your money out of those speakers and put the funds into something else.
In all honesty those speakers probably need 1 to 2 K thrown at the problem.
If there is any chance at all you could retrieve the B & O unit from the current owners that is by far your best option. The device is now useless to them unless they purchase your speakers. Even if you have to pay to have the unit removed it will likely be your cheapest option.
I think I have an old Rotel AV preamp in storage. If you want I will look for it, put it on the bench and see if would be in any way suitable for your needs.