I was hoping we would get re-Inundated with each other
I was thinking about the mini GTG and really think it would be kewl if we did it again, an all day affair with all the fixins.Now who is up for such behavior and where to meet up, I would gladly have everyone to my house but I do live at the southern most tip and really don't have the set-up to get funky with, not yet anywho but maybe soon I suspect. What do you guys think of the Pioneer SC -27 receiver it is in the Elite series, Is it overpriced at 1299.00 that is the lowest it has been for about a year , paired up with my Elite Blu Ray player
, could be nice, I have read over the specs a thousand times and still don't know what I read
. I would appreciate some input on this one, Have a good day and stay COOL