DO NOT BUY anything from AV123

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Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Someone should throw a party.
Today is indeed the big day. It may be the day that we find out if a plea deal was offered, what it consisted of, and whether it was accepted. But there will be more big days coming as more folks take legal action.


Audioholic Intern
Today is indeed the big day. It may be the day that we find out if a plea deal was offered, what it consisted of, and whether it was accepted. But there will be more big days coming as more folks take legal action.
Since this is out of Boulder County and in the AG's domain, does anyone know where case summary and outcomes are posted - I couldn't find anything on the AG's site.

Jim C

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Since this is out of Boulder County and in the AG's domain, does anyone know where case summary and outcomes are posted - I couldn't find anything on the AG's site.

Jim C
I haven't seen anything specific posted anywhere, Jim. What I do when I'm looking for information is to call the court clerk. I usually wait a couple of days but I'm very curious as to how today is going to go down.


I haven't seen anything specific posted anywhere, Jim. What I do when I'm looking for information is to call the court clerk. I usually wait a couple of days but I'm very curious as to how today is going to go down.
Given the press covered the original indictment, perhaps they will cover this as well.


Audioholic Intern
mod done

I've created a thread on AV123's forum since that's probably where most UFW/ULW-10 owners will go if they have problems. I'll keep that thread updated as I gather more information. If you have any corrections or additions please let me know.
Did the mod last night.. sub is all reassembled and works great. Will be delivered today. Thread on AV123 updated with more details about the mod (sorry, no pictures). I have also archived the instructions on my own page for future reference.

- AV123 thread
- my archive



Did the mod last night.. sub is all reassembled and works great. Will be delivered today. Thread on AV123 updated with more details about the mod (sorry, no pictures). I have also archived the instructions on my own page for future reference.

- AV123 thread
- my archive

Is'nt this really far off the subject of the title of this thread? I think you should move it elsewhere.:)


Is'nt this really far off the subject of the title of this thread? I think you should move it elsewhere.:)
True, but I guess I'm just getting tired of cleaning up this thread...... :eek:

But instead I'll just dedicate this to MLS

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Hopefully this thread will last long enough to educate any current member of AV123 who remained ignorant of MLS' legal problems. There cannot be too many of those members left.
It's gone.


Audioholic Intern
Is'nt this really far off the subject of the title of this thread? I think you should move it elsewhere.:)
I don't think so - it is useful info for someone who was unfortunate enough to get involved in the ULW/UFW Fiasco - and gives them a non-AV123 solution to their problems. I appreciate the info Dane has provided.

At a certain point, when there is no AV123, info like this will help people at least have some info to make their unsupported products function somewhat close to what was promised.

This provides a fix to a broken sub using Parts Express, rather than paying AV123 for a replacement - so it would seem to be one of the few on topic posts in the whole thread.

Jim C
- Owner of 3 failed ULW-10's (fortunately under warranty - unlike Dane's)


Another post on AV321

Another post back up again on AV321. Let's see if this one will break the record for the quickest deletion.

Registered User

Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 4

Mark - In court today
I posted before, but somehow my post disappeared. Must be a glitch in the system. Oh well. Just wondering if someone knows how things worked out for Mark today in court. I heard on another board that today was the big day as relates to his case on charity fraud.


Senior Audioholic
You can always go edit the wiki for entertainment instead. :p I've noticed people have been gradually editing it.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Now av123 is into administrative services and has no rating....
Am I reading this right?
Is av123 scamming the bbb now?
even the link has /secretarial-services/ in it....
I'm pretty confused.
I think that's exactly what they're doing. Well, seeing as how this thread has the last information regarding the F rating, I'm going to contact the BBB and inform them of what's transpired. But if you think about it, administrative services in a way is apropos. Haven't they been specializing in beaurocratic run arounds for years?


Senior Audioholic
I think that's exactly what they're doing. Well, seeing as how this thread has the last information regarding the F rating, I'm going to contact the BBB and inform them of what's transpired. But if you think about it, administrative services in a way is apropos. Haven't they been specializing in beaurocratic run arounds for years?
The next thing you know, they'll be calling themselves a "think tank". :eek:


Junior Audioholic
I think that's exactly what they're doing. Well, seeing as how this thread has the last information regarding the F rating, I'm going to contact the BBB and inform them of what's transpired. But if you think about it, administrative services in a way is apropos. Haven't they been specializing in beaurocratic run arounds for years?
Yes they are master satanic Stalinist bureaucrats. And really they would have us believe they were all secretaries for Mark in theory. Mark isn't in the office. Only Mark can help you with that can I take a message. Mark is in a distant galaxy saving the universe. Mark is in Russia throwing money off of buildings to starving orphans. Mark isn't being indicted av123 is doing just great. We just work here.

I wonder if any of those guys who work at av123.sin will ever hold themselves accountable for this crap. In my opinion they weren't just messengers or secretaries, at some point they crossed the line and became active participants. It's easy to step up and say I QUIT or just walk. especially now when you know the company won't be around much longer.
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