Stalker? (let's talk about chicklets)

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Audioholic General
gonk, yep that's the guy, his fondness for the Leicester is compulsive.

Yepimonfire, his reciever is actually a Kenwood that does decode DD/DTS (and is THX certified) but he has gine into lengthy arguments that he prefers to take that signal, downgrade it into a Prologic signal (via his 70's prologic decoder) and then matrix it from then on (downgrading the signal even further)

so his chain is 5.1 to stereo then Prologic the stereo to simluated 5.1 (stay with me here it gets better) then via various prologic decoders takes those simulated surround channels and matrixes them several times to achieve four rear channels, eight surround channels and his dual overhead sound (all from the otiginal matrixed surround sound mind you) and by doing this he claims he gets better more dedicated surround sound. :confused:

Yeah we over at Sound and Vision tried more times than we could count to tell him that what he was doing was essentially making his sound worse than if he just used the dedicated 5.1, some decent speakers and acoustical treatment, but he'll argue with you till his dying day.

Seriously tell him his system sucks and see the chaos that will ensue.
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Audioholic General
Yeah I got a nice chuckle over that one. You chould read the lengthy thread over at AVS about "The Master list of DVD, HD-DVD and Bluray Movies with Bass" his postings on that one are just mid blowing. Some member made the mistake of teaching him how to use a Program to track bass waterfall charts and he then went on a one man campagign to post his mediocre results with movies like "Batteries Not Included" with Jessica Tandy and how it had great bass and movies like Short Circuit and various others. What I should mention is alot of his findings were used with his Laserdisk player and Prologic stereo sound via the laserdisc player.

We'd comment that he needs a better sub since other member would get results well bleow 20Hz yet his waterfall would show a significant drop off at 30Hz, and he would go all apeshyt that you dare meander his home made sub and that we were all "wankers" :D

The only time the forums were nice, peaceful and coherent were the 17 months he spent incarcerated for his screwdriving welding tire slashing incident. They no longer have the video feed of the story at BBC, but the few of us at S&V who saw it were just in shock. The video showed this one mother of three who saved up all year to buy Christmas presents for her kids and now had to spend the money on new tires for her car after Ashley got a hold of them.


Audioholic Samurai
All I can say about this guy is he's a few fries short of a Happy Meal. I have wondered if he get payed every time he mentions "Empire Leicester Square".:D The whole tire slashing thing is nuts one car splashed him and he goes on a rampage slashing 1,728 tires which was 250,000 GBP convert that into dollars it comes to $376,175.66 and I can't believe they let him out:eek:


Audioholic Samurai
gonk, yep that's the guy, his fondness for the Leicester is compulsive.

Yepimonfire, his reciever is actually a Kenwood that does decode DD/DTS (and is THX certified) but he has gine into lengthy arguments that he prefers to take that signal, downgrade it into a Prologic signal (via his 70's prologic decoder) and then matrix it from then on (downgrading the signal even further)

so his chain is 5.1 to stereo then Prologic the stereo to simluated 5.1 (stay with me here it gets better) then via various prologic decoders takes those simulated surround channels and matrixes them several times to achieve four rear channels, eight surround channels and his dual overhead sound (all from the otiginal matrixed surround sound mind you) and by doing this he claims he gets better more dedicated surround sound. :confused:

Yeah we over at Sound and Vision tried more times than we could count to tell him that what he was doing was essentially making his sound worse than if he just used the dedicated 5.1, some decent speakers and acoustical treatment, but he'll argue with you till his dying day.

Seriously tell him his system sucks and see the chaos that will ensue.

hahahahahahahaha WTF??!?!? hey foolish fool ov foolishness? ever heard of pro-logicIIx/z or audyssey DSX? (spelling?) atleast he would be using a matrix decoder designed to give that outrageous amount of speakers some real surround. as far as matrix's goes, Pro-Logic is an outdated joke compared to PLII, Neo:6 and last but not least, real discrete audio, he totally went about this the most idiotic way. maybe i see what he was attempting to do, but it's so stupid i can't stop laughing. THERE ARE BETTER SOLUTIONS!!!!! *continues laughing*


Audioholic General
Holy Shiznit, never knew about the Facebook page, that is hilarious (and not in a good way) I love the fact that they used his mugshot. I swear if I were in the cell next to him, I would just whisper "JBL Sucks" over and over just to really drive him over the edge.

The fact that somebody took the momentum to create a FaceBook page dedicated to him blows me away. But I guess when you slash so many "tyres" you can get some kind of notiriety (at least in Bournemouth). I always wondered if the courts ever fined him, but considering he has been out of a job for decades, guess the victims won't be seeing their money soon. Over at S&V we had two members who actually visited England (one is there still) and they asked what they should do while in England (as in visit famous sites) and the first response in each thread was "Beat the hell out of that guy across the pond. " :D


Audioholic General
hahahahahahahaha WTF??!?!? hey foolish fool ov foolishness? ever heard of pro-logicIIx/z or audyssey DSX? (spelling?) atleast he would be using a matrix decoder designed to give that outrageous amount of speakers some real surround. as far as matrix's goes, Pro-Logic is an outdated joke compared to PLII, Neo:6 and last but not least, real discrete audio, he totally went about this the most idiotic way. maybe i see what he was attempting to do, but it's so stupid i can't stop laughing. THERE ARE BETTER SOLUTIONS!!!!! *continues laughing*
His reciever is a 20 year old Kenwood so I am positive it only has standard ProLogic. hey I was impressed when he finally upgraded his ancient TV to a much larger 24" TV. If you can imagine sitting in his main two seater couch, you can just imagine the awesomeness of that huge honkin screen from 8 feet back.

To me the null cancelalations of all those speakers would be chaos. He has two main Left and two main Right speakers about a foot apart, and one center, that to me would have immense null voids, then his continued matrixed sound fields into all those surround speakers, is just insane. I would imagine the reflective surfaces wouldnt help either.


Audioholic Samurai
His reciever is a 20 year old Kenwood so I am positive it only has standard ProLogic. hey I was impressed when he finally upgraded his ancient TV to a much larger 24" TV. If you can imagine sitting in his main two seater couch, you can just imagine the awesomeness of that huge honkin screen from 8 feet back.

To me the null cancelalations of all those speakers would be chaos. He has two main Left and two main Right speakers about a foot apart, and one center, that to me would have immense null voids, then his continued matrixed sound fields into all those surround speakers, is just insane. I would imagine the reflective surfaces wouldnt help either.
i'm willing to bet it sounds like a chaotic mess, i can't believe he was saying how good a concrete room sounds.


Audioholic General
LMMFAO, never thought of it that way, but I guess your right.


Audioholic General
Matthew B is right on saying stay as far away from this nutcase I have had a run in with him on another forum he was calling himself Andysu at the time he has gone so far as to attack a member via email from Facebook which in turn resulted in that members Facebook account being disabled. Here is the article on him from the BBC on him slashing tires

Ares I hadn't noticed but if you click your link that you gave "BBC" on that page to the right of the first picture of Ashley on a bike, is the video clip (you will need Realplayer to play but it's a free download) and you can see Ashley in all his glory) I loved how the court described him as a "Socially inadequate Loner who could not cope with the stress of modern life"


Audioholic Samurai
Ares I hadn't noticed but if you click your link that you gave "BBC" on that page to the right of the first picture of Ashley on a bike, is the video clip (you will need Realplayer to play but it's a free download) and you can see Ashley in all his glory) I loved how the court described him as a "Socially inadequate Loner who could not cope with the stress of modern life"
I checked it out what got me was that mother of two towards the end of the clip, so some he slashed and other he just punctured so it would leak out slowly. What a piece of work this guy is and see right there they knew he wasn't right in the head and they still let him out after 16 months.


Audioholic Warlord
yepimonfire, sorry about the pics not posting, I am taking them direct from AVS but will include the link that shows the the three page thread where he goes step by step into all the sppeakers he's installing. The pics may not be showing up here because you have to be logged into as a member at AVS to view them, but here's the link.....enjoy.
All I can say is "impressive"! It looks like he's p**ssed away a pile of money to create a complete mess.


Audioholic Overlord
All I can say is "impressive"! It looks like he's p**ssed away a pile of money to create a complete mess.
Wow I think I've just seen crazy. I like the idea of multiple surrounds like that though. I mean that was impressive IMO, but the stuff running it isn't. He's obviously a cheapskate so an EP719 would probably work for him. It would be better than that TV for sure.

I thought LOTR and Yepi were strange. I guess you guys are tame compared to this fellow. I feel for the cat.


Full Audioholic
All I can say is "impressive"! It looks like he's p**ssed away a pile of money to create a complete mess.
I have to agree, although the actual idea of matrixing the surrounds and fronts to create an overhead channel is not too bad, the way he is doing it is. How many overhead channels has he got? 4 or something, one is all thats needed and he's doing it with a 20 year old pro logic reciever. It might work with a better matrixing technology and one overhead channel (Something to try out sometime:D). Just mix the front/centres together and mix the surrounds together then separate through matrixing. Didn't Dolby do a verison of 'We were soldiers' like that a few years ago?

This guy just seems completely insane, I'm suprised they have not sectioned (committed involuntarily to a mental institute) him yet with all the stuff he's done like slashing the tires, making death threats, talking complete s**t and just being plain dumb and annoying


Audioholic Samurai
actually if you understand how a matrix works it is a very stupid idea, the original prologic worked by routing only the "similar differences" of a stereo track to the surround channel, for instance, with stereo guitars, echo, or phase shifted sounds, it would end up in the surrounds. in order to matrix something it MUST be in stereo, considering pro-logic only creates a mono surround channel, i'm willing to bet nothing came out of the extra matrixing he used. in PLII it is in stereo, if you were to matrix already matrixed PLII, you would just get an exact copy of what's in the now matrixed surrounds. you have to understand how stereo works first. in a movie recorded in stereo, the only way to get a wide presentation of a sound is to mess with the phase of the channels. for instance, if wind is blowing, you would have the exact same recording of wind playing in both channels, but the difference between each channel is the phase is slightly off in the left or right, this is what a matrix picks up on, any spatial information that is not directional as far a being hard R, C, or L, goes into the surrounds. pro-logic one works by doing this but only leaving you with a mono surround channel that is cut off past 7khz. in PLII, it does this in stereo and does not cut off high frequencies and with PLII movie mode, it slightly delays the surrounds from the front channels to increase the illusion of space. anything that goes into the surrounds on PLII gets cancelled out of the fronts, anything that is specifically left, right or center, goes into the LCR channels. PLII is somewhat more complicated because of all it's steering and "intelligent" algorithms but standard pro-logic is simple at best.


Full Audioholic
What I meant was getting the discrete audio from at DD/DTS/lossless track and mixing the fronts/centre as a mono track and the surrounds as a mono track so that there would then be effectively two channels (fronts and surrounds) that would have phase differences between them so you could use matrixing like PLII and send it to a central overhead speaker, effectively like having a centre channel between the fronts and the surrounds.

Of course this is all just theorising, I don't know if it could actually work.


Audioholic Samurai
the problem with that is it wouldnt actually be height information, you would need a matrix capable of figuring out what is height information and redirecting it.


Full Audioholic
Dolby Pro Logic IIz can do that but only for the fronts, back to the drawing board:(

Nothing says that you couldn't get two of them though, one for fronts, one for backs and one ordinary PLII decoder for the 'middle' height information. Way too complicated though and would probably not sound too good although a lossless track might not be too bad
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