This is cool, Dane and Mark. Glad to see someone helping out those stuck with dead subs.
Way to hang in there in regards to this thread, Dane. Keep it real.
I have no problem with the thread-- just with people disrespecting me without knowing anything about me or my perspectives. It was sad (to me) that I had to share as much as I did, but I think since then people have realized I'm not their enemy.
I'm waiting to hear back from Kyle, TBomb, Doug G. (if my email didn't go straight to his spam folder), and others. Unfortunately now it's the weekend, so some of my contacts won't be getting back to me until next week. Wished I could have had it all done this week (buddy moves into his new home this Saturday and will still be sub-less.

), but I'm doing the best I can.
If I don't hear back from anyone, then I'll use the values Seaton recommend and run some RoomEQWizard sweeps on it and compare to my existing UFW-10's. At least I have two solid performers (
original original amps) to compare against.
In the mean time, my wife's out of town (her sister just had their first baby-- a little girl), and I've got this second Audire Forte power amp to finish restoring..