Well, that's the problem with prejudice and stereotypes, you tend to judge individuals before you really give them a chance... Not because someone is X, that they'll automatically be like xxxx... Even if you think that there's a good chance that they are xxxx, you have to give them the benefit of the doubt, and should disregard stereotypes/prejudices towards that person and give them a fair chance... You must judge/evaluate each person individually, if you really act or judge based on your prejudices/stereotypes, then that's what makes you a racist... (Even if a stereotype was true for 90% of X, it would still be false for 10%...)
But then, as you say, some 'stereotypes' are truer than others... Take something like racial profiling. After 911... Or if 50% of the crimes are committed by a group making 10% of the population... Statistically, it would make sens to keep this number in mind... But... It wouldn't be politically correct...
That's another thread... I feel pretty much the same, and am not a 'pure laine' as they say. (Only 1/2 'real' canadian). But, the "canadian" in a couple years will be no more than minorities becoming majorities, the 'canadian' canadian will simply will simply become rarer and rare because of low birth rate. Most 'white canadians' families have like one kid (even if they're very comfortable financially, many consider kids cost lot of $$$), if you compare to immigrants, you often see 3-4 kids often if if they have very little income... So lots of minorities having more babies, poor "canadian canadians" birthrate, in major cities ethnics will be the big majority, only in region will there remain 'pure' canadians... Somewhat sad imho, as I do think that when Canada becomes mostly immigrants who in many case sadly do not want to integrate themselves to the canadian culture, do not hold the same values, etc. something is definitely lost...
Canada is becoming more and more just a melting pot of immigrants...