That's what AV451 says. But is it? By now, we're all familiar with AV451's claims and those of its f(l)ounder, MLS. In some cases they've been outright fabrications. In others, they've been a remarkable stretching of the truth to the point of deception. Occasionally, he tells the truth which some have speculated may've been a contributory factor to his heart ailments.
When a company makes a claim like
Made In The USA, without any qualifications, it's saying something quite specific. At least the FTC, which has the authority to bring law enforcement to bear in order to prevent deception and unfairness in the marketplace, seems to think so. Please take the time to read the following: which addresses this matter. For those who aren't inclined to read it, consider the following which has been taken from the FTC link.
Perhaps someone who isn't banned will ask AV451 for clarification as to just what their claim means? After all, if the MFW cabinets came from Colombia but were sprayed domestically, that sounds like the second example. If the amp module comes from QSC but the rest comes from overseas, that also sounds like the second example. I'm pretty sure that when Sean picked up his cabinets, he got a look at what was in the warehouse.
So, Kyle, since everyone knows your sorry a$$ is reading this thread and you communicate regularly with the new administration team, perhaps you can offer an unsolicited post as AV Sales on this matter. Otherwise, next Monday, I will contact the FTC by email, mail, and phone advising them to look into the advertisement and also provide them with a screen capture to substantiate my concerns.