1. How do you discover music today? (choose one that fits best)
Other - I utilize the similar artist feature on last.fm to find new artists, and I also purchase a lot of albums without prior listening from labels I like. I usually buy from amazon, amazon sellers, and my new favorite shop - tympanik audio.
2. Where do you do most of your music listening today? (choose two)
At work – at computer desk
At home – while I do other things in one room
Comments? - Typically while reading or playing games.
3. The music media you listen to the most is on… (choose one)
PC or Hard Disk server – lossless
4. What are the top two items at the top of your audio wish list this year? (choose two)
Home Theater speaker system (main viewing room)
Upgrading receiver/amp
5. What is your favorite music for demonstrating (or showing off) your sound system?
Ehhh, I don't exactly have anything that I regularly use as demo material (not that I give demos), but if I was going to, it'd be something like this:
Opeth (progressive death metal)
Kattoo (idm)
Empusae (rhythmic noise, industrial)
Triarii (martial industrial)
or a nice progressive house mix or some dubstep