1. How do you discover music today? (choose one that fits best)
Online music service
Music store
Social networking web sites
Friends share with me
Live music
Other (explain)
Comments? _____all of the above, if I hear somethign cool I shazam it and buy it____________
2. Where do you do most of your music listening today? (choose two)
At home – critical listening
At home – while I do other things in one room
At home – while I do other things moving room to room
Commuting – car audio
While Active – Biking, Hiking, Exercising, etc.
3. The music media you listen to the most is on… (choose one)
I own all the CD's but its on my apple TV or ipod
4. What are the top two items at the top of your audio wish list this year? (choose two)
nothing this year.. no budget however the next major item will be a TV maybe upgrade one of my amplifiers, and at some point make a major upgrade in speakers
5. What is your favorite music for demonstrating (or showing off) your sound system?
Explain (Genre, Artist, track – if applicable)
beatles are always good, i like liz phair for it to, or whatever my friends are familiar with