DO NOT BUY anything from AV123

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Full Audioholic
Can't believe after everything MLS would talk to you about a business deal. I don't know if that is big brass ones, denial . . .
It sure seems to indicate that he is further gone than any of us probably thought. If I were in Sean's shoes I'm afraid I may have gotten myself arrested at that point. May have been worth it though....:D


I don't know Mark, never spoke to him, exchanged a few emails but always about something particular. I do know people who know him.

It makes you wonder if it is all part of some plan, is he trying to impress the court with his demeanor, or has he just convinced himself that none of it is happening?

The real story, though, will be whether he comes through for Sean.
Jed M

Jed M

Full Audioholic
If this was 8 months ago I would have found Mark's behavior towards Sean (ie business deals and being overtly friendly) as shocking and bewildering. Unfortunately I have come to accept that is the way they are. It took a long time and countless correspondence from the principal players for me to finally get it, but they just don't have a real feeling of responsibility. Its like it almost didn't happen, or that Mark has done so much good it somehow offsets it. Its bizarre but it truly seems to be their modus operandi. The ironic thing is it only serves to hurt them by turning their backs to their customers and ignoring the elephant in the room as it only fans the flames of simmering disgust into a full boil anger. I have quit trying to understand how they are thinking because they obviously are so knee deep in it they can't see the forest through the trees, but this has got to become a case study of what not to do when faced with a moral crisis.


Audioholic Chief
When they shipped my speakers that I asked to be delivered unloaded (not built), they forgot (their words) to include all that stuff. 5 months later and still nothing. In court, Mark said I could have the stuff within a week. Why only once the law was involved could they do this?

Also one pair of cabinets are B stock and our deal is A stock so those have to be replaced except there is no more pali natural. Not much I can do about that now...

On the commissions, I am owed earned income for sales that I made that shipped after I left. I can't afford district court so this whole ordeal with small claims clears that for them as well. Not much I can do about it now.

I don't want to get into all this too much; it is almost over for me and I can't wait to put it behind.

Thanks Sean. It takes guts to do what you did, especially when i'm sure you considered them friends at one time. Glad to see everything is working out for you and things are near closure. It's one thing to try and get retribution through the AG or via email, it's another entirely to meet them face to face. Kudos to you sir.


Thanks for posting that for me Jed,
To those with a sensitive nature, I apologize for my coarse and demeaning tones. I actually bought MY Rockets from MLS/The Graham Company and had to send a couple of emails asking what was taking so long to get them to me.(30 days or so) Looking back now, and knowing what I do now, I guess I was lucky to receive them at all. I am working on being able to express myself properly, maybe I still need to work on it a little bit. :p

To Sean,
Thanks for your help...a couple of phone calls with you long ago about my Rockets helped a lot. Good for you for taking MLS to court, that took BALLS, STAND PROUD and know what you did was RIGHT!

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Well Sean, I'm not a particulary religious man, but GOD BLESS SARAH! Let us know the next time you've got to be in court. Maybe some of the folks who live in the general area might be able to show up if they're able to find some time.

It's interesting that Kyle showed up. I'd have thought maybe his wife, Lynn, would've come. Do you think that means the Mark and Kyle are dating now? I can't believe MLS would have the balls to talk about new biz deals. He must play this song all the time. And as to what you're owed, I'll see what the Labor department has to say about that.

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Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Thanks for posting that for me Jed,
To those with a sensitive nature, I apologize for my coarse and demeaning tones. I actually bought MY Rockets from MLS/The Graham Company and had to send a couple of emails asking what was taking so long to get them to me.(30 days or so) Looking back now, and knowing what I do now, I guess I was lucky to receive them at all. I am working on being able to express myself properly, maybe I still need to work on it a little bit. :p

To Sean,
Thanks for your help...a couple of phone calls with you long ago about my Rockets helped a lot. Good for you for taking MLS to court, that took BALLS, STAND PROUD and know what you did was RIGHT!
MLS would buy (I'd hope) the Rickets at cost then send them to you at whatever price and then pocket the money himself. That allowed him to cut out any profits from AV451, Suzy-Q, Kyle, whatever. I thought you were very restrained when talking about the mother****er.


Audioholic Chief
Mark was very cordial. Too cordial actually. After, he tried to talk to me about a new biz deal and that pissed Sarah off to no end. Me too but I am way to Fing nice. You should have seen the look on Mark and Sarah's faces.
WOW! Not sure I would have been able to hold it together. Wonder what kind of reaction he expected. I would have made some kind of remark and made sure others could hear me.

I commend you!


Senior Audioholic
It's still there. Apparently everybody has the day off over there.
I think about 10 of us should send Mark some complimentary tubes of K-Y. I wonder if he'd start to get a bit nervous about the upcoming court appearance. :eek:


WOW! Not sure I would have been able to hold it together. Wonder what kind of reaction he expected. I would have made some kind of remark and made sure others could hear me.

I commend you!
I imagine that it was one of those situations where the behavior is so unexpected that one is unable to immediately respond--all the good lines hit the brain after the fact.

This story reminds me of the fable of the scorpion and the frog. Shifty does not know how to turn off the BS because it is in his nature, and he has had years of positive reinforcement for this behavior.

Please forgive the self-indulgence in the following quote from The Great Gatsby (I'm an English teacher), but this detail about the title character is a perfect description of the con man:

He smiled understandingly—much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced—or seemed to face—the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey. Precisely at that point it vanished—and I was looking at an elegant young rough-neck, a year or two over thirty, whose elaborate formality of speech just missed being absurd. Some time before he introduced himself I’d got a strong impression that he was picking his words with care.


Senior Audioholic
It sure seems to indicate that he is further gone than any of us probably thought. If I were in Sean's shoes I'm afraid I may have gotten myself arrested at that point. May have been worth it though....:D
His Bio-Rhythms must be off again... ;)


Audioholic Ninja
If Schifter were to start a clothing line it would be called No Shame.


Senior Audioholic
I have quit trying to understand how they are thinking because they obviously are so knee deep in it they can't see the forest through the trees, but this has got to become a case study of what not to do when faced with a moral crisis.
Only knee deep??? Personally, I think it's more like neck deep and sinking. :p


I'm still amazed at how many "regulars" still hang out at AV 123, I would think they would have all bailed by now.


Junior Audioholic
Congrats Sean:

I'm glad you got at least a partial settlement so-far.Hopefully the Labor division will be able to help recoup your lost commissions ,and you get interest on top of the owed amount.

I'm not surprised to hear he actually wanted to discuss a future business deal with you,as always his "promises" of better things ahead is his trademark as a stall tactic proves the man has no shame or conscious.I am also not surprised to hear that Mrs.Ninja was pissed off with this,and I would wager it took everything she could muster not to blow up right there. I find it ironic had we actually listened to our better half's long ago how much better off we could have been. Our women can see through things a little better than us at times ehh :eek:

I hope you can put all of this the rest sooner than later,but I have a hunch they will string it out as long as they possibly can,just to spite you and Sarah. You can bet the "little general" will have a hand in seeing that is done that way unfortunately.

Good Luck Ninja,and may your crossovers never fail to please those of us that have them.

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