DO NOT BUY anything from AV123

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Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Steve, aren't you owed some stuff or are you hoping that discretion is the better part of valor.


Junior Audioholic
PM sent cause I could actually use it's already been asked 30 minutes after my post by 2 other people..apparently they don't have a problem buying from them either..I am PM'ng the individual and asking his permission to post his PM to me so good ole Kyle at av123 can see it's on the up and up..since he's over here a-lot reading what is being said..this way I don't have to deal with them anymore..



Enthusiast's already been asked 30 minutes after my post by 2 other people..apparently they don't have a problem buying from them either..I am PM'ng the individual and asking his permission to post his PM to me so good ole Kyle at av123 can see it's on the up and up..since he's over here a-lot reading what is being said..this way I don't have to deal with them anymore..

Hi Mac,
PM replied back to. Thanks. Kyle - I am interested in Mac's credit for possible use on an LS Center if/when it comes out.


Junior Audioholic
Hi Mac,
PM replied back to. Thanks. Kyle - I am interested in Mac's credit for possible use on an LS Center if/when it comes out.
Here's Randy's PM Kyle..just so you know it's legit

Yesterday, 02:44 PM
Enthusiast Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 11
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Hi Mac,
At some point I might be interested in the LS Center if/when/price it ever comes out, so if you don't want your $100 voucher I would gladly take it off your hands.
Randy..I'll PM you my mailing address for the funds..($.01)


Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Maybe you can ask Field Marshal Steidle if he can check with Sybil, aka TADG, aka MLS, aka the Humbly Bumbly one, if the $100 coupon can be used to buy some of the stuff he has for sale on craigslist.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I attribute the reason Paul Pierce (most underrated NBA player of his generation) hit the game winning shot is because he is a Jayhawk. Rock Chalk!
I called it first! It was a good game though. I never knew whether to wear the cap backwards or not.

BTW, I just did a search under MLS's name and whoever posted it is right. Can't find a single post. But not to worry Mark. I archived all the raffle posts you were involved in a long time ago. I think the authorities did too but I've got them just in case. Also, when you switched providers you might have neglected to remember that they've got backups too. Seems the provider might just know someone whom you let go out of the goodness of your pride and passionate heart. You know, the guy you met in court yesterday? Your underfunding lives on buddy.


Eliminating the posts is kind of amazing. I assume it is an attempt to keep the brand alive, but at this point don't you think it would be smarter to start over with a new company? It is not as if one can separate av123 and Schifter.


Senior Audioholic
BTW, I just did a search under MLS's name and whoever posted it is right. Can't find a single post. But not to worry Mark. I archived all the raffle posts you were involved in a long time ago. I think the authorities did too but I've got them just in case. Also, when you switched providers you might have neglected to remember that they've got backups too. Seems the provider might just know someone whom you let go out of the goodness of your pride and passionate heart. You know, the guy you met in court yesterday? Your underfunding lives on buddy.
I'm not sure the authorities will smile on VA321's / MLS's / TADG's attempts to destroy evidence.


Full Audioholic
I gave you a Thanks..but I doubt I am cooler than you and I would just as well get no communication from them,it just litters up my spam folder.

I was told via PM that all of mls's post have gone missing over there now,including the one about the Rocket contest I won a gift coupon on .I wonder if they actually think that is going to help :rolleyes:
Deleting all of Mark's posts? That's sort of embarrassing - like a cheesy effort at revisionist history. Denying the man ever existed isn't going to fix their problems. It might be of interest to the Colorado DA, though, as it would wipe out all the threads Mark started about raffles (as well as a lot of other threads that look sort of bad in hindsight). I doubt that the authorities have failed to save copies of at least the most critical threads and there's a lot of stuff hiding in places like Google's cache, but the act of removing those posts might look a bit bad in court. It's also yet another example of how worthless their forum has become thanks to their absurd moderation policies.

I wonder if that means "Mark's Place" is gone now, too? :)


I don't think forum posts constitute evidence unless the authorities specifically subpoenaed the contents of the web site.

Still, it is hard to believe the arrogance/stupidity/______(fill in the blank) of admitting "underfunding" in public.
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Full Audioholic
Also, when you switched providers you might have neglected to remember that they've got backups too. Seems the provider might just know someone whom you let go out of the goodness of your pride and passionate heart. You know, the guy you met in court yesterday? Your underfunding lives on buddy.
Oh that is just perfect! If Mark actually tries to take this case in front of a judge, I could see this sort of behavior reflecting badly on him - and hurting the company as well.

Eliminating the posts is kind of amazing. I assume it is an attempt to keep the brand alive, but at this point don't you think it would be smarter to start over with a new company? It is not as if one can separate av123 and Schifter.
Trying to create the image of AV123 without MLS as an integral component is not likely to fool many people. Having TADG rattling around at the same time is just that much sillier. Seems like an ill-conceived plan, although it's hardly the first time we've seen an ill-conceived plan from AV123.


Audioholic Ninja
The idea of "business as usual" is ludicrous. The joint business venture with TADG is a complete joke. ;) :D The idea to start a higher end product line in which customers need to drop thousands of dollars to purchase their products is one of the dumbest ideas ever to regain a customer base. Their loyal customer base has vanished, they have no way to market their products beyond their forum and their email list in the database. Nobody will be recommending their products and if someone does, another individual will inform them of threads such as these.

Who's wonderful idea was it to start a high end product line? :eek: Secondly, how do they expect people to drop thousands of dollars on these products if they make it to market? They are the laughing stock of the industry.


Junior Audioholic
Eliminating the posts is kind of amazing. I assume it is an attempt to keep the brand alive, but at this point don't you think it would be smarter to start over with a new company? It is not as if one can separate av123 and Schifter.
It would make sense if they started over with a new company and company name.There has been enough press on his indictment that there is enough of a stigma attached now only people who don't care what has happened or are totally ignorant of everything that has transpired that will buy from them.Who knows,from the responses I got for my GC,I think the prior reasoning is more factual.

I was going through my spam folder last night,and saw this old story from February. Don't know if I ever saw mention of this particular one or not back then,but thought it relevant to the topic at hand.,but thought it relevant to the topic at hand.



Audioholic Chief
I got the same thing as you Jed.They took their time on deleting my account as well,and was given the same bullshit reason on my banning there.Seems like they are using a blanket response to those who speak up against them.I haven't tried signing in,nor do I want to, even though they still owe me a $100 gift card from a contest they had.Fat chance of ever seeing that,and really wouldn't want the damn thing anyway.
I think they have to act like they are doing,if they expect to sell any thing else,and draw in new customers.They have to get new customers.They really have to get new blood in there cause most of the folks who was there has long since left or has been banned. It's the only way they will survive.I'm sure a couple of the old timers will hang on in hopes of better days,but,with the stench emanating from Long mount,they should just go ahead and bury it.

You guys inspired me... i unsubscribed to their "newsletters" yesterday, and put a link to the Audioholics indictment article in the reason field.


I think you need to re-read this topic a few times until it sinks in. :rolleyes: Clearly you haven't been paying attention.
Just to be clear, I no longer recommend AV123 speakers to my family or friends. The only reason I would consider purchasing (as in the case of an LS Center) is to round off my current investment. I will do no pre-pays. I have no delusions of the center coming to fruition anytime soon or if it does and the price is as inflated as the advertised LS4s then I will not purchase.


Junior Audioholic
Just to be clear, I no longer recommend AV123 speakers to my family or friends. The only reason I would consider purchasing (as in the case of an LS Center) is to round off my current investment. I will do no pre-pays. I have no delusions of the center coming to fruition anytime soon or if it does and the price is as inflated as the advertised LS4s then I will not purchase.
Smart choice,and since you plan on waiting until it does come out,I wouldn't be holding my breath till it does.

Jed M

Jed M

Full Audioholic
What really is disturbing about this whole thing is Mark could have been furiously selling off everything on Craig's list years ago to pay for whatever he was taking the raffle money for, but only now will he part with his personal possessions when his *** is truly on the line and as the very last resort. I would hope that selling your stuff wouldn't be the last resort above stealing from charity, but there you go.
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