I got the same thing as you Jed.They took their time on deleting my account as well,and was given the same bullshit reason on my banning there.Seems like they are using a blanket response to those who speak up against them.I haven't tried signing in,nor do I want to, even though they still owe me a $100 gift card from a contest they had.Fat chance of ever seeing that,and really wouldn't want the damn thing anyway.
I think they have to act like they are doing,if they expect to sell any thing else,and draw in new customers.They have to get new customers.They really have to get new blood in there cause most of the folks who was there has long since left or has been banned. It's the only way they will survive.I'm sure a couple of the old timers will hang on in hopes of better days,but,with the stench emanating from Long mount,they should just go ahead and bury it.