I'm sure it was no coincidence that there were 2 air marshals on the plane
how at 27? $$$$$$ and family
our system is $$$ driven, if it doesn't involve large sums and contractors, it's not considered...this was an over reaction in the classic definition...the Israeli's make do with much less and are more effictive in a more hostile threat enviornment
yes, hindsight is 20/20, but it's not the first time something like this happened...we react like this to justify the large sums spent on such programs...defense/security is >50% of discretionary spending, even larger when the hidden $$$ and associated debt are factored in
I don't think anyone is saying things aren't 'different' now, the paradyne has shifted, but we are not getting the return on the investment we deserve...or the protection
Iraq: 4500+ lives, x00,000's of civies, 1 bil $ as messed up as it was 7 years ago...
'Stan, huge troop increase, more death (combatant & innocent), heroin production at all time highs, the bad guys controlling >80% of the country, and according to the generals, worse than it was 8 years ago...with a chance of 'losing', whatever that means...
I don't have the answers, nor do I pretend to like many of you, but I have plenty of unanswered questions...