Did you read the story? There was never any question of the plane being hijacked or in risk of being hijacked. There was question of some smoke and a man who made a comment about trying to light up his shoes. The joke wasn't even about hijacking the plane, it was about blowing it up. That is the information the marshalls and everybody else had, that was the issue, this isn't in hindsight, the problem was simply smoke and joke about bomb shoes, nothing about using the plane as a giant missile.
I don't assume anything. I comment on the reported events. If the reported events were inaccurate, then my comments might not apply. If no fighter jets were deployed, and if those events never happened, for example, then this discussion is quite pointless don't you think?
Btw, what do you think is inaccurate? What's the spin? What part of the story exactly do you question?
It's funny because at one point, it seems like every time someone is losing an argument, comes silly questions about the validity of everything. Just, you know, to hint that actually there's many unknowns and that renders the whole discussion and points made invalid.
"How do you know there's no life after death and no souls?". "Science knows a lot about physiology and workings of living beings, never was anything to hint something like souls existed." "Science has been wrong before, at one point they thought the atom was the smallest thing" or "There's a LOT that science doesn't know!" " ...

So why don't you expand on how "FAA, Homeland Security, or the White House's procedures" conflicts with any of the points I've made? Or exactly what you think was inaccurate about the story? Which of my 'assumptions' are false based on what fact of the FAA, HS, WH procedures? All you've done is hint that possibly there's some important info I don't have that or that some fact might be false, which renders everything I've said false. Don't hint that maybe *something* was inaccurate, state clearly what you think was inaccurate, or clearly state what information you think is pertinent.