One lit cigarette can cause asthma attacks and without an inhaler for everyone, it can be a problem and if you smoke, you'll never understand how much a non-smoker hates the stench.
As I've previously stated, I don't smoke and hate smoke as much as anyone. That said, once again, you don't have to become hysterical. One cigarette on a plane won't cause massive asthma attacks. As previously stated, there was not always no smoking regulations on flights. People with asthma used to travel alongside smoker
s. One cigarette in a
Boeing 757 is quite insignificant and in all likelihood won't cause massive asthma attacks on the plane. The density of smoke inside the plane, with the massive volume of air in such a large plane, is really nothing to be worried about. So again, let's not blow up the problem to ridiculous proportions.
I don't know the make-up of the air in a pressurized plane but I know they use oxygen generators. Is it more flammable than the atmosphere? Could he have started a larger fire?
If lighting a match in a plane would light up the whole thing, people wouldn't try to make shoe bombs
Face it, or not- if an American goes to a Muslim country and makes a joke that offends the locals, they'd be killed. Make a joke about Mohammad and it's almost guaranteed.
And your point is? Because they would have even more ridiculous repercussions to a benign act in other countries, it makes the ridiculous repercussions of doing it on american soil ok?
I'll tell you what- next time you fly, I hope someone does this in the seat next to you so you can see how funny it is.
Does what? Light up a smoke? The solution is simple, simply inform him/her that there's no smoking in the plane, and if that fails, have the flight attendants deal with the problem. At worst ask him to be moved to another seat, or to be moved yourself... No big deal here.
Make a joke about lighting up their shoes? Do you think that would scare me? I'd just laugh about it, and if for some reason it seems serious, then again talk with the flight attendants. No reason to freak out either way.
"Anyhow, it's all hysteria. Terrorists should pay bums 1000$ to get on an american planes and joke about having bombs. The thousands of f16 they'll have to deploy to counter this surprise attack will drive the USA to financial ruin and leave it open for a surprise invasion."
We have enough problems without jags like you making this kind of recommendation.
What's a jag? So you really see my humorous sarcastic attempt at demonstrating the silliness of the situation as a serious threat to your national security? Wow... Let me tell you what would probably happen if it was to happen. They would simply stop deploying fighter jets and making a huge deal out of nothing. Seems like there's now air marshalls in planes. Well, two of them can probably deal with the situation by themselves.
What good are the fighter jets exactly? Let's say that he was serious, and he had shoe bombs that he had tried to light up.
What ****ing good are the fighter planes going to do in that situation? Obviously, he failed, he told the marshalls he had
tried to light up his shoes. So what now? Mashalls have him shacked,
how do the fighter jets help in any possible way?
And let's say he's a super terrorist, and when the fighter jets gets there, he expertly manages to get a hold of his bomb shoes and blow up the plane. How are the fighter jets any help?
Let's be logical for a sec... Did this guy posed more of a threat than any other passengers on any other plane, because he said that he tried to light up his shoes? He's actually
less dangerous than any potential flier because now the marshalls are watching him closely and he won't be able to scratch his *** without them being all over him. So again, how do the fighter jets fit in in all of this?
They should fine the idiot the cost of sending the fighter jets ...his country should have to pay the bill, they produced that idiot.
He's an idiot, but the country shouldn't have to pay for the USA's irrational response. They're wasting their own money for no good reason, they should definitely be the ones to pay for it.
You know, it reminds me of another situation. At a party at a friend, there was some kids, one very young small blond kid was playing and goes: "naninanibooboo!" to me. So I laugh, and say back to her: "naninanibooboo!" And she goes nooo!! and gets all emotional about the "naninanibooboo!", which was even more hilarious. Well, that's USA. Someone went: "naninanibooboo!" to them and they made a huge deal out of it, they involved the army who deployed fighter jets, wasted the president's and countless other people's time for something which was absolutely trivial.
Yeah, you don't joke about security. In other words, absolutely no naninanibooboos will be tolerated, and there will be consequences to naninanibooboos because security is of utmost importance.
Sometimes, using one's brain instead of following ridiculous protocols can make wonders. "Control, some douchebag made a joke about lighting up his shoes, but we've got things under control.". "Roger that.". It didn't need to be bigger than that...