Definitely worth buying and yes there is a BBC version and a US version. The BBC version is much better because the US version has Sigourney Weaver narrating and IMO, it isn't the same. This has been out for over 2 years. BBC is releasing the new series that is a follow up to Planet Earth called LIFE on BD soon though.
Sigourney Weaver??? What's up with that - David Attenborough's english not good enough?

How did they do that anyway? Dub Sigourney's voice over David's? Paste her head over his?

Or, did they insert complete footage of her?
I'm curious, because I bought a compilation set (DVD) up here, from Costco, with Blue Planet, Planet Earth, Life of Mammals and Life of Birds. All feature David Attenborough. The best DVD purchase I ever made. The whole family loves it. It ain't BD, but the content is still awesome.
I just have one observation and I wonder if anyone else has noticed. While David is narrating, his voice primarily comes from the centre speaker. I say primarily, because occasionally, his voice "spreads" into the mains as well, for no particular reason that I can figure. I don't believe it's receiver setup issue, because I've never heard this phenomenom from any other DVD.