Woah, I typed "Drunk Jack Sparrow" character, but it says "Drunk Jackerish" I didn't have this problem before I installed windows7. Ick. Also, Jason Statham would make a good character, but I prefer him in action movies, like "transpoter" and "Death Race".
This movie was purely a reason to spew a movie and make some money off of it. It is just bad. It's worth seeing only so other people know how bad it is and I don't feel so alone on that basis. As for the sound? Oh, that was terrible too. The whole movie was CGI, and had no reason to have actors in it at all. granted, it was not "Fern Gully in Space" as the previous popular CGI movie, and it is definitly not any good. Maybe the TRON remake in the previews was a hint at things to come in the actual movie. In fact, even though I fully expect the new TRON to be as bad as "Plan 9 From Outer Space," I fully believe this movie is one of the worst of all time, and that TRON may actually be better.
Basically, if you haven't seen this, let me put it in something maybe everyone's seen.
-Imagine, if you will, that someone directed a movie called "Snow White and The 7 Dwarves" a sequel in which Snow White returns to the Dwarve's house, and rallies them together to form an army with all the furry woodland creatures and cute birds to assault the wicked witch's army of evil trees and apples or something. They spend an hour building the non-existant excitement of a battle on the horizon, but it never really occurs. Instead, there is a prophecy described where Snow White must take a Smith and Wesson shotgun from the holy city of Anubis and slay a giant 3 headed dog for no reason other than to make a pathetic action scene in a movie. Once she unloads round after round of salt-shot on the creature (Disney Movie) she then quotes all the lines heard in the movie in case you forgot them, and then says one really cliche quote that the wicked witch tends to say all the time, before slaying the giant evil dog of Hades once and for all. Once she slays it, the army of woodland creatures and the army of trees and ugly apples throw down their 9millimeters and rapiers and declare a truce for some reason. Captain Jack Sparrow is there making stupid sounds as he gargles some rum and whiskey and then tells everyone how he got his eyes cut out in Mexico and once was a bad director who wore women's underwear while riding roller coasters. He then does a dance and falls down and throws up. -The end.