To be selfish for a second here, what bothers me about this whole ordeal and leading up to it is the discombobulation of the audio community. I used to feel like I was part of something good, and now I feel like I have some speakers laying around that were paid with blood money. I also feel as if a community lies in shambles, and people that once came together for a common goal are going in other directions and losing interest. I used to go online and play around on the forums to kill time and bust some balls, etc... Now I don't even know where to go where I know and like the people anymore. I guess it's just as well since now I have more free time for other things. I am looking to purchase some new speakers and such, and I don't even know where to go now. AV457 is pretty much a skeleton of a forum with remenants of members, emotiva is all about the umc-1, TCA doesn't really have any product yet and a small following. I'm left with the big dogs such as this site and AVS, which I like alot, but I don't get that small community vibe that I came to enjoy.