Audio system for hookah bar, help!



I am in the process of opening a hookah bar and I am looking for a good audio system for under $1200. Music will be played from a Macbook Pro and maybe iPods. The building is a large insulated garage, around 35'x40' usable space with 15' ceilings. We will either suspend speakers from the ceiling/wall or use a couple nice floor standing speakers (I like the Polk RTi10).

First question: What is the most cost effective way to improve audio quality from a computer mp3 source? Im picturing something that processes and filters the music and goes in between the amp and the computer but I dont really have much home audio knowledge.

Second: What would be a good speaker setup that will fill the space with even sound. The volume wont be that high most of the time, but during weekly events I want good loud sound.


EDIT: right now I am thinking about 2x Polk RTi10 with Behringer EP1500 or Emotiva UPA-2. not sure if that would be a good setup.
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I don't really think there is much you can do to improve a mp3, other than to re-rip it @ a higher bit-rate or better yet .flac. Macs normally have a digital output for sound I think, that's be the ideal way to hook up to the receiver.

Something you may want to mention is the kind of music you plan to play. Ambiant music can get by with a lot less speaker than some things.


Dont a lot of nice amps and receivers have ways of filtering out some of the tinnyness, static and such? Maybe some software?

We will be playing a lot of different types of music: jazz, lounge, indie rock, classic rock, electronica, folk.


Noise reduction is what you're thinking of (I think). It's a function of the player (on a PC at least) usually. Don't quote me but I think you also take the risk of altering the music too.

That would probably reduce static, but as far as "tinny" goes, are you listening on the laptop speakers?

In all likely hood you won't need any NR if you run a digital Optical/coaxial signal to the receiver and let it do the decoding. Internal sound cards are cheap and prone to noise (static, and in my case before I ran my coax I heard the hard drives...) because they're cheap.

With that kind of budget I'd focus more on the basics. I spent almost that much for good audio in a room 1/3 the size. Now I know absolute zero about commercial installs (which is why I'm trying to refrain from making any recommendations) but I'd probably go with the wall mounted/hung speaker approach over 2 towers simply because you'd get a lot more even sound dispersion and could keep patrons from touching them. Trust me, if it's in range people will touch.


I dont know of anything except pro speakers (concert) that will fill your room for $1200.There are a ton of self powered speakers out there and with an eq or 2 you can adjust the sound to your hearts content.I would check out Sampson Mackie Beringer yorkville yamaha ect...


Audioholic Slumlord
1) 2x Polk RTi10 will never fill 21,000 sq3 space with even or loud sound doesn't matter that amps or source you'll use.
It's just too big.
2) Behringer EP1500 or Emotiva UPA-2 are both amps. They don't have pre-amps build-in. You could get away without pre-amp, but you risk blowing speakers next time you restart your computer. It'll play that nice start-up sounds at 0db - full amplification.

My suggestion is to get 8x Behringer 2030p speakers - $130 for pair,
This Receiver -
and two Dayton Sub-120 subs.
Total budget: $1320
Thou this is not "Commercial Grade" setup, I guarantee you more "even" and "loud" than pair of Polk towers.

About making mp3 sound better? Like it was said before - re-rip them again at higher bitrate - minimum at 192 Kbs and don't do VBR. Stay with CBR.
Of course flac/ape would be better choices.


I'd just like to add that the behringer b2030p's are amazing at 130/pr (It's what I'm using too :p ) and the excellent off-axis they have would be pretty ideal.

I'd recommend more powerful or more subs for electronica/low end, but you can always add another 2 in when you have more money. But then again, to fill that room with good low end you could spend the entire budget and want more.


Thank you for the information, that receiver looks very nice, maybe too much power. I bid on a Pioneer Elite VSX 41 5.1 on ebay and ill be looking for some comparable speakers to the Behringers since my friend doesnt like Behringers.

1) 2x Polk RTi10 will never fill 21,000 sq3 space with even or loud sound .......


Audioholic Slumlord
Thank you for the information, that receiver looks very nice, maybe too much power. I bid on a Pioneer Elite VSX 41 5.1 on ebay and ill be looking for some comparable speakers to the Behringers since my friend doesnt like Behringers.
1) 7 speakers will do better job filling this huge space.
2) I guess your friend isn't named Chris aka WmAx, who recommends 2030p highly, especially after some light and easy mods.
3) No such thing as too much power, and Pioneer AVR usually power over-rated. Speaking of too much power - didn't you wanted originally to go with separate amps originally ??
4) Not all Behringer products made equally well, for example active Behringer monitors reported not so great, due to mediocre amps and bad reports about their mixing boards. However specifically 2030p is a great "little" speaker, which you can't beat at bookshelf 3 times the price.

But if you feel you know better, whom am I to tell you otherwise.


venue mixer

I have a venue mixer for sale. It was used in my Hotel.
Because I am a new user of the web site I will have to tell you how to find it online, They dont let new users post links?

have a look on and search venue mixer. its up for £1200 but i am open to offers

If I get a good offer I will pay for most of the shipping cost


Seriously, I have no life.
I am in the process of opening a hookah bar and I am looking for a good audio system for under $1200. Music will be played from a Macbook Pro and maybe iPods. The building is a large insulated garage, around 35'x40' usable space with 15' ceilings. We will either suspend speakers from the ceiling/wall or use a couple nice floor standing speakers (I like the Polk RTi10).

First question: What is the most cost effective way to improve audio quality from a computer mp3 source? Im picturing something that processes and filters the music and goes in between the amp and the computer but I dont really have much home audio knowledge.

Second: What would be a good speaker setup that will fill the space with even sound. The volume wont be that high most of the time, but during weekly events I want good loud sound.


EDIT: right now I am thinking about 2x Polk RTi10 with Behringer EP1500 or Emotiva UPA-2. not sure if that would be a good setup.
Good sound with two speakers in a 35' x 40' x 15' space? Not a chance. The people near the speakers will be clown out if you want others farther away to have a decent level. There's no way to cover the whole floor with two speakers and towers aren't designed for large, wide spaces like this.

Unless you address the acoustics, you won't have good sound but you also need to define the use- high/moderate/lower SPL (yeah, I know), low SPL areas (like where the customers get info and pay) or where some just don't want to be blasted out. If you'll have bare/hard floors, you'll need to deal with a variety of problems, all of which involve unwanted reflections.

What do you plan to do with all of that power? The last thing a large reflective space needs is high SPL. Buying a high powered amplifier would be a waste and you would definitely need to be able to limit its output because every place that provides music has a self-appointed expert who "knows" how to set it for best sound.

What is your budget?

Personally, I wouldn't spend the money for a computer to play music- I would find a good device that can play files from a USB drive and if you want to add/edit the music, create playlists, etc, that's easy without the charm of worrying about someone stealing the computer and the last thing you want is to use the company's computer with business files.

You should look into exemptions for music licensing fees-



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