So how much $$$ total is MLS accused of stealing/swindling?
I doubt we can come up with an accurate number, I'm afraid.
I think the numbers I hear were:
180K to the raffles.
40K to Chu Gai (for radio ads or something)
??? to RSL pre-pays
??? (I think 1 million might have been mentioned) to partners
According to the indictment, he stole a bit over $150,000 of the $180,000 that he collected ($29,500 was found to have been delivered).
He doesn't owe Chu Gai any money. I remember Chu saying that he'd read a post by Jerry Del Colliano (Home Theater indicating that Mark had stuck him for $40,000 in advertising at AV Revolution.
There are twelve RSL-II beta owners. Each paid $6,000 for a total of $72,000.
Several people have mentioned that AV123 had a debt with Sound Art China (the factory owned by Mr. Pu where the Onix speakers are built and where the Rockets were originally built) that is on the order of $1 million.
There was an AV123 Forum member with the screen name "Uncle Paul" who had a business arrangement with Mark that well through. He was owed money (I don't know if I ever heard how much) and I think that was banned from their forum for pushing Mark for re-payment.
Are there others? It's hard to say, and it gets into legal issues that are likely to keep people from talking openly about it as long as there is any hope of getting paid.
How could he have gotten away with this for all this time? I did a total on my donations to raffles over the years, it came to around $400. I hate to think all I did was line someones pockets. Pretty sad if all of this is true.
Charisma can be a powerful force. If you have enough people rallied around you and convinced that you are a good person, it's easier to cover things up. Nobody could go into AV123 Forum and ask for receipts because the concensus was that Mark was almost a saint and asking the question was an insult to him. Business debts are private matters, and so they tend to stay behind closed doors unless something really bizarre happens. Frankly, had he not started doing raffles where the recipients were closely tied to the community, he might have gotten away with it a lot longer.