I'm trying to hook up my new components and I don't have audio with my PS3. I have a Samsung LCD, Denon AVR-488 receiver, and the aforementioned PS3 as my blu-ray player. I received some advice that stated the receiver is "pass-thru" audio only. I bought some HDMI and 2 optical cables.
I've been playing with this since last night and heard so many different way to connect everything and I'm just in brain lock mode. Can somebody please give me instruction (more detailed the better) on how to hook this up including the input/output settings. Thank you sooo much.
I've been playing with this since last night and heard so many different way to connect everything and I'm just in brain lock mode. Can somebody please give me instruction (more detailed the better) on how to hook this up including the input/output settings. Thank you sooo much.