Goal: Provide best sound (emphasis on main room) at modest price while taking advantage of HTPC, streaming, and ease of use. I'd like to be in zone 2 or 3 and randomy say "hey, i want to listen to whatever"...I'd simply fire up the remote app on the iphone, select that room and I'd be listening. I don't want to have to find a receiver remote, power something else on, yada yada.
Current setup: MacPro streaming to Airport Express, TosLink to receiver (Sony ES333). 2nd zone is my deck, connected to Speaker B out of my receiver. I have roughly 100 gigs of music. Inside speakers are 5.1-B&W 602S2's. Outside speakers are Polk Atriums.
Downsides to current setup:
-Macbook has to be open, on, and ready to send data
-Receivers B speakers selector are a toggle on my receiver, so I physically have to switch on the unit when i want to hear music on the deck
-Receivers B speakers is a fixed volume, dependent on mains volume
-Receivers B is not audio split (if watching TV inside, I can't be listening to music outside).
-Outdated receiver in other areas (no HDMI, bad interface, some simple tasks require me to dig through 3 menus to control-ie sub levels)
Potential Next Step Solutions
Apple TV:
+solves issue of having to have Macbook ready to roll at all times
+free's up my airport express to potentially use on deck or another room
+other inherant uses for ATV I could be benefiting from (pics, movies, tv)
-newer ATV due out soon????? kicking myself for not waiting???
-hard drive is barely enough (yes i'm aware of hacks and might do, just
would rather not have to)
2 channel amp for deck:
**based on also getting ATV in conjunction with
+less than $100
+connect deck speakers directly to, and use the free'd up Aiport Express
+solves current receiver issues: could then change volume from Iphone Remote app, could have TV inside and music out, if always powered on I'd simply have to select the Airtunes Express and I'd be listening
-at the mercy of the DAC in the Aiport express
-another "thing" I'd have to find a home for (probably inside near the deck)
-not as high quality amplification
New receiver (leaning towards Marantz SR6004):
This next step would be priciest and wouldn't get me to my current goal as much but would help out in other areas. ie: audyssey, more power, better layout, HDMI, base level easily from remote (using Logitech 890), sweet looking!
Benefits that have to do with goal:
+free's up existing receiver to use as amp in another location
+could select B speakers from remote
+could split audio feeds
+seperate volume control
+3rd zone possibility
-still would need to use main remote for deck application (again, i'd like to just be sitting on deck, main remote inside, and start listening via Remote app that's always with me)
+-could use existing amp for deck (always on and selected for w/ airport express solving above issue
As far as pricepoint, getting an ATV and a cheapo 2 channel amp for deck is the clear winner. It actually does solve my current goals pretty simply and relatively cheaply. However, if a new ATV comes out I'll be kicking myself. I'd like to eventually take advantage of what a potential new ATV could have to offer. Also, I'd be using the Express' DAC outside (it's outside so don't care thaaaat much). I'd still be left w/ a receiver that while I'm still generally happy with, could use an updating for other inconveniences.
Going the receiver route is expensive, doesn't solve all my goals, but I'd probably benefit from a better sounding main system (always my real #1 goal) and MOST of my negatives about current setup could be solved--wouldn't give me completely remoteless deck freedom but gets me halfway there. If I went receiver route I could make due w/ streaming from MacPro and just wait and pray new ATV comes in near future and have the older receiver ready to use then w/ the existing Airport Express solving then all my issues!!! Also, time would probably pass inbetween receiver and newer ATV purchase so doing everything would be easier to swallow.
I've got another month or two until deck is even an option here in Philly anyways so not in a huge rush to do all this today...
Sorry this was longwinded but I thought it was all necessary to understand current setup and potential solution. Also, if you have another option other than what I've said I'm all ears!!! But, I'm pretty happy with Apple and the Remote app is so integral to my use, I'd probably not want to use an ATV alterative.
Random question. Since the Marantz receiver is Bluetooth..any way of controlling my 2nd zone from the Iphone itself???
THANK YOU for reading if you made it this far
and I appreciate any input!