When did the PD start contacting victims in the raffle? You'd think one of them would have given Shifty a heads up.... Did he just ignore the writing on the wall or did he contact his lawyer.
I'm just surprised that he wasn't more prepared for this, that av666 didn't have some sort of strategy for dealing with the pr nightmare, and that he wasn't more proactive about making amends prior to having hand cuffs on etc.
It was in the later part of last year. He never saw it coming in the beginning and that makes it especially sweet. A fair amount of care and diligence took place on just who to contact. Friendlies had to be identified from those who were victims but still crawling up either Shifty's butt or his erstwhile friend who would give Shifty a heads-up on what was going on. I recommended that certain people not be contacted under any circumstances.
how things have progressed.
Do I get points for being the first to contact the AG?
Sure. I'll give you some AV451 reputation points. Bon appetit! Do I get points for contacting the Feds or do I have to wait till something happens along those lines?
Sweet, I've now graduated up to a lifetime ban on TCA...
What ever will I do with myself? I can't hang out at the most open and uncensored forum on the internet.
I wonder if it's just a coincidence that TCA and AV123 are both banning people for the same thing...
Be strong.
Tex, a Message from Craig.....
"point out to Tex Amp that the mods are AH won't allow me to post there, but that he is welcome to come here and ask all the questions he wants in open forum.
I will give him his own thread, and there will be no moderating of the thread."
LOL!!! You know, there's been a lot of folks who knew Shifty and some of them were and are manufacturers. Just about everyone, if asked, have issued very short statements or comments about things. But there is one man who has stood tall and gotten right into the fray of things. He calls himself a competitor and a manufacturer and is out there slogging it with the peons. Good PR move for your business
I've thought about this as well and I really don't know. Your right though, there seems to be a large amount in pre-pays (just in the RSL-II) at what $5k a pop?
6K as I recall. Website's almost done. It's going to be a doozy.
and that's why i'm asking if there's really proof he's behind bars.
unless your country is SO COOL you have internets in jail.
I think they prefer to call them clients or guests who are residing for an interminable length of time. Wait, wait! I can hear it here! "Hey, Shifty, pick up that bar of soap over there."
aren't mug shots public? or are all those leaks?
Yes they are. I've requested those.
Bingo was Monday
Tuesday was Twister
Wednesday was Raffles
Thursday was pre-pays
Friday was group choice
It was like a con carnival. Can I coin the word "conival"?
Jed, that is so, so, phucking funny! Don't forget be nice to our Russian friends night!