

Audioholic Spartan
Anyways my little routine of calisthenics and walking has lived through the initial soreness and I'm really looking forward to doing something a little more strenuous with the satisfaction of having lost a few pounds. I might be down a pound or two now but I really need to see 270 on that scale. I'm not eating bad food ... much. Aghhhh ... the proof is in the pudding as they say. I'm a little more active but that scale will be the ultimate judge of my success.

Who knows? This might be my new obsession/addiction. :rolleyes:
The question to ask yourself is, "What would Tom Jones do?"


Audioholic Spartan
... takes a bow. :)

... takes a deeper bow. :D

Originally Posted by Rickster71
The question to ask yourself is, "What would Tom Jones do?"

... falls to knees in full worship at the mention of The Great One. :eek:
... awaits enlightenment. :rolleyes:

He'd bang every woman in sight. That's a perfect sexorcise.


Audioholic Slumlord
My Solution

He'd bang every woman in sight. That's a perfect sexorcise.
I already have a strategy for every good looking woman in sight when my girl is around.
This is interesting. :D
I keep my eyes glued on my girl like she was The Venus De Milo. :)

I just started doing this recently in the 'healthy' grocery store we go to. Some of the women in there have evidently been taking real good care of themselves ... mmm hmmm !!! ... and it sucks getting caught gawking. So I found a spot where my eyes should be. It has taken my stalking game to a virtual virtuoso level that I had before thought unattainable. :D

Official AM weigh in BTW was 272.2 ... :)
I had seen it below 270 a few weeks ago but I think it was just a fluke and since then I had seen it real close to 280. I just picked the 275 starting number because it had shown up on the scale like 3 times across 2 days when I started this thread. I don't care if it's water weight or molecular weight ... I just really want that # to go down.

'Scuse me while I go eat some regular pasta with a pretty intense meat sauce ... for breakfast. :eek:


Audioholic Samurai
Have you heard of the HCG diet?

It's a (doctor prescribed) hormone, most people take it under the tongue, that allows you to eat only 500 calories a day, and causes your body to use the fat as energy instead of food. The cycle is like 30 days, first two days you eat whatever you want, then by day three your hunger is gone.

I've actually seen a few people have success with this. I've not tried it myself, and can't recommend it confidently, but...maybe worth looking into?

It's mostly clinics with a doctor on staff, they write the prescription and it runs like 30 days at a time. Seems like sketchy too me, but, maybe its not - I've seen a few people drop weight on it.

Maybe worth researching.


Junior Audioholic
Losing weight is easy really.

All you have to understand is calories in and calories out. Everything else is completely and totally a waste of your time.

My best advice is to get an Exerspy from a local gym. It is a small device you wear on your upper arm that tracks your calories burned for an entire day. Through a website you also plot out exactly what you eat every single day. This sounds tedious but honestly I spend less than 5 minutes a day doing it if that.

At the end of the day you know exactly what you've burned vs. what you take in.

If its a deficit you will lose weight. If it isn't you won't.

I'm 6'5 300 and struggled with my weight for forever but I've lost 2% of my body fat in 2 weeks simply because now I know EXACTLY what I'm working with.


Audioholic Overlord
Losing weight is easy really.

All you have to understand is calories in and calories out. Everything else is completely and totally a waste of your time.

My best advice is to get an Exerspy from a local gym. It is a small device you wear on your upper arm that tracks your calories burned for an entire day. Through a website you also plot out exactly what you eat every single day. This sounds tedious but honestly I spend less than 5 minutes a day doing it if that.

At the end of the day you know exactly what you've burned vs. what you take in.

If its a deficit you will lose weight. If it isn't you won't.

I'm 6'5 300 and struggled with my weight for forever but I've lost 2% of my body fat in 2 weeks simply because now I know EXACTLY what I'm working with.
It's not really that simple. If your still eating junk you may lose weight, but you will be unhealthy. To be healthy and fit you must eat right and exercise. That is how simple it is. If you don't eat right you will be unhealthy. If you don't exercise you will be unfit.

I still think he'd really enjoy climbing trees. He's a monkey after all.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm guessing 281 & 6'3"

Hey, you are getting older. :p


Audioholic Slumlord
Have you heard of the HCG diet?

It's a (doctor prescribed) hormone ...
No way am I gonna take hormones until I'm ready to be open about wanting tits. :rolleyes:

I'm guessing 281 & 6'3".
271.6 :eek: I've been somewhat more active and just yesterday I turned down some Edy's (?) Slow Churned 1/2 fat ice cream that was offered to me by a woman that I'm doing a ceiling patch for. I'm being good boy for the most part. The pounds aren't melting off but that might have something to do with spending Easter with the Italian in laws pushing me over 277 for a day or two. Even though I don't do it all the time, recently my response to a stressful daywas to stop at Whole Foods and get some Hot Italian Sausage and Cherry Pie. Yeah ... I'm just looking for an excuse. Next I'll be heading out in the evenings to Denny's only to return home feelin' frisky and reeking of bacon. :eek:

"Come 'ere darlin', I wanna butter your bisquit!" :D


Full Audioholic
It's not really that simple. If your still eating junk you may lose weight, but you will be unhealthy. To be healthy and fit you must eat right and exercise. That is how simple it is. If you don't eat right you will be unhealthy. If you don't exercise you will be unfit.
I can't remember who said this, but "You are what you eat". Always remember it. It may take time, but it is true. Eat junk and your body becomes junk, eat healthy and your body become healthy, over time.


Audioholic Spartan
No way am I gonna take hormones until I'm ready to be open about wanting tits.
Well, unless you've dropped a few pounds, you should already have them...;)

Guess what! Looking at your thread title, I noticed that we're practically identical! I'm 45, 5'8", 165 lbs! Wait a minute...never mind.....

Well, I am 45....:eek:

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