

Audioholic Samurai
This used to be a real pretty red leaf bush:

This is a white Pine that I planted 11 years ago it was one of our Christmas trees many broken branches now:

That clumped up snow behind my truck was a twenty foot long hedgerow about six feet high, it just collapsed under the weight:

Looking out the front window:

I am heading out side to clean away the front door area and get more pics and its still snowing hard with 35 to 40 mph wind,just crazy I tell ya.


Audioholic Slumlord
Thanks for the pic's and for confirming what an AH junkie you are. Get off the computer and get out there.
Lives are at stake !!! :eek: :D


Just Rain here but damn thats alot of snow MD is getting.........


Audioholic Spartan
About 14"-15" and drifting to lord only knows how high here in Montgomery County, Pa. about 2 hours northwest of Sawz. Started around 5:30pm last night and is supposed to taper off around 3pm this afternoon...The dog had an interesting time of it this morning!:eek:

Sawz, I came online this morning to see if you were online...the news reported all the south jersey power outages and I thought to myself - "I wonder how sawzalot is making out?" Good to hear the power is back on.


Audioholic Jedi
This used to be a real pretty red leaf bush:

This is a white Pine that I planted 11 years ago it was one of our Christmas trees many broken branches now:

That clumped up snow behind my truck was a twenty foot long hedgerow about six feet high, it just collapsed under the weight:

Looking out the front window:

I am heading out side to clean away the front door area and get more pics and its still snowing hard with 35 to 40 mph wind,just crazy I tell ya.
You need this!



Audioholic Samurai
Mark, my driveway is about 150' long if you can stop by, I'll have some hot chocolate waiting.:D
HOT CHOCOLATE, I'm heading straight to Brandy, lol. I cleared the area needed for quick escape and of course a 6x6 patch for The Pooch and now I must eat to store up energy for round 2. I'll get new pics as soon as the wind dies down it is an absolute white-out right now, wheres that bottle :D


Audioholic Jedi
Mark, my driveway is about 150' long if you can stop by, I'll have some hot chocolate waiting.:D
Thanks for the offer! A bit far to trailer the old girl though! Pity though, you will miss a lovely noise from the old two cylinder Waterloo engine. 62 years and still going strong. Every time I climb on to move snow, its just painful to see how low we have sunk.


Audioholic Spartan
HOT CHOCOLATE, I'm heading straight to Brandy, lol. I cleared the area needed for quick escape and of course a 6x6 patch for The Pooch and now I must eat to store up energy for round 2. I'll get new pics as soon as the wind dies down it is an absolute white-out right now, wheres that bottle :D
Hi Rob,
I'm not going out to shovel until it stops snowing.
Looks to be at least a foot.
Should be a piece of cake compared to the thirty inches we got last time.:D
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Uh-huh ...that's where all the snow is...:D. I just BBQ's me some NY Strip for lunch:D. Our winter has been very favourable...with very little snowfall.:)


Got snow

we got about 4 inches of snow/freezing rain last night. Northern Missouri and Iowa and Nebraska had blizzard conditions


Audioholic Samurai
Hi Rob,
I'm not going out to shovel until it stops snowing.
Looks to be at least a foot.
Should be a piece of cake compared to the thirty inches we got last time.:D
Hey there Rickster 5minutes after my last post at 11:30 AM or so the electric went out again, falling trees, I just got back on line 30 minutes ago, it is still snowing :eek: and pics will just have to wait until Sunday Morning as it is still terrible visibility,not quite zero but not even 150 feet, my Parents live 2.5 miles from me and it took me 25 minutes to get there, I didn't need 4 wheel but my bed is filled to the brim with heavy as$ wet snow so my traction was fine. The electric at Mom and Dad' house was off all day right up until 1 hour ago so I had to go build two fires in the airtights and shovel a path to their doors as they are both 70 plus years old and just can't do it anymore.I humped in enough firewood for the night and brought them my old school kerosene space heater, just in case they let the fire go out, I hope not though.
I believe that the damage will be in the millions just in my neighbor hood as there are huge trees, even oaks partially down or completely down on just about every block and almost every pine tree that is taller than 20 feet has either snapped in half completely or split down the middle from a Y section which will just kill the poor tree any way, it is devastating no matter how one looks at it.
I lost 75 % of the trees on my property which my son and I planted since he was a wee tyke back in kindy school, really sad, I cried a bit but had to pull it together for the sake of the parents,I never let them sense those feelings it takes too much of a toll on them.:(
I saw power company trucks from Philly down here, nice to know we have back up as there are more wires on the ground then I have ever seen any where ever !
I think I am lucky to have my health and be in good shape cause that shoveling snow shite, well lets just say it suczz big time.:(
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Audioholic Warlord
I see this old thread got resurrected.

It snowed heavily here in Maryland non-stop for 24 hours from Friday at about 3 or 4 pm to today (Saturday). The official snow fall is 28", and that is at National Airport which is rather close to a well known local Washington, DC center of hot air - the Capitol Building. I should get a yardstick and make another photo of my deck like I did in December. It looks like more snow fell this time.

The local TV news is calling it "Snowmaggedon" :D. I guess that beats politics.

I did a little shoveling earlier this afternoon. An area from my backdoor to the garage - about 6 steps and a small concrete landing - that usually takes me about 15 minutes to shovel, took me an hour. And that's about 25% of the total job. I'll have to do the rest tomorrow.

About 200,000 homes have no electricity, and it's going down well below 20° tonight :(.


Full Audioholic
What's going on? Some of you guys have had more snow in one day than we've had all winter, and I live in Canada!

Just watched The Day After Tomorrow. Maybe the movie is more fact than fiction.


Audioholic Samurai
I said more pics when possible and this my friends is the first time I sat down to relax since "Snowmageddon" started here's a few more:

This is coming out of my front door towards my drive.

This is looking in the drive.

This is looking in the front gate.

The House Covered.

More House.

Some of the Backyard.

The Delaware Bay, with ice.

Bay Shot

Entrance to sunset beach,lol.

Mom and Dads drive with my path from yesterday.
Let me tell ya that meager path to the right was alot more work than it looks like.
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Audioholic Samurai

A friend shows up Mr. Falcone, :)

Kubota in action, woo hoo..

Finally a clear path to escape.

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