You certainly realize that that is not the case everywhere though, correct? The average teacher salary in ND is 34 grand. That's probably a starting wage of, what, 20k? I certainly wouldn't call that "quite well" even considering the cost of living there.
First point:
The Unions got a deal other Americans didn't even get a chance to negotiate for.
This is typical political pandering to a special inters group. All politicians do it. Obama promised he was different.
What happened to "Change?"
It's payback; because without the unions he wouldn't be president.
President Obama said the Health Care debates / negotiations would be public and televised on CSPAN.
They have not been, and that promise was broken. This was a 'back room' deal with the unions.
To make an apples to apples comparison, teachers don't work all year.
Here in NJ teachers work 180 days a year, with summers off. That's not a bad gig.
So to make a fair comparison, you would have to use 9 months worth of pay for an average worker and compare that to the teacher's 9 months.
My next door neighbor teaches math and makes $55K not counting benefits. My brother in law makes $85K teaching English.
Not bad for 180 days a year with summers off.