Banned XBox360 Hard Drive



Audioholic Field Marshall
I bought a Walmart 360 Arcade bundle for the bedroom and a buddy of mine will give me the hard drive from his Elite. Problem is, his console is banned cuz he modded it to play burns.

If I take his hard drive, will I get my console banned? It's got our save games from when we played and my Live account from the last time I recovered it before his console was banned.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Hmm... screw it, MW2 stuff doesn't carry over online. If I put my Live account on a memory card, update my Live profile on a friend's clean 360, then recover it on my new one, it'll give me back all my Live stuff, right? I want my points. :D


Audioholic Samurai
Here is the explanation from MS

- What does this mean for you and what can you do about it?
Firstly, and most obviously, you cannot connect to Xbox Live on this console any more. This means no more game updates (aka title updates), XBLA games, marketplace content, netflix/sky player and so on. There is no way around this, all online capabilities are now disabled PERMANENTLY.

In all likelihood, your gamertag has NOT BEEN BANNED. When your gamertag gets banned, Microsoft sends you an email detailing why, if you have not recieved this email then your profile should be ok, to a certain extent.

Hard Drive installs are now disabled on the banned console. This means any disk-based games you have will no longer play off of the hard drive. If you attempt to play a game, it will tell you that it was installed on a different 360 and needs to be deleted/installed again. When you delete the game and attempt to install it, you are given a message telling you that it is not supported. There is no way to fix this, that functionality is simply gone from the banned 360.

The hard drive itself is left untouched – you can place it in another 360, even an unbanned one, and it will still work just fine. You do NOT need to reformat it to regain any kind of functionality. Any installed games will need to be reinstalled for the console you want to play them on. This is normal behaviour and happens when swapping HDDs on unbanned/legit 360’s.

Windows Media Centre functionality is disabled. It is still possible to stream video/music content via the video library.

Your Gamertag may be corrupted. This does not mean your gamertag has been banned, you can recover it using any live-capable 360, however ANY ACHIVEMENTS YOU HAVE EARNED SINCE BEING BANNED WILL BE LOST. Your gamertag will be corrupted EVERY SINGLE TIME it is used on a banned console. This means you cannot use your banned console to play backups offline just to get achievements – it wont work, the second you put your profile back on a good 360, it will be corrupted and all progress lost. There is no way around this.

The same applies to game saves – if you access a game save on a banned 360, it too will be corrupted when accessed on a legit/unbanned 360! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! There is no way around this, either.

Your XBLA games and DLC will still be valid, however to play them on a different 360 you will need to be signed into Xbox Live. This is normal behaviour on unbanned/legit 360’s as well. They may be corrupted and have to be re-downloaded if you attempt to access them on a banned 360. You can transfer all of your downloaded content to a new 360 here: note that you can only do it once every 12 months.

So, in summary:
Your Banned 360:
* Cannot go on Xbox Live
* Cannot install games to the HDD
* Cannot use Windows Media Centre extender
* Cannot be used to get achievements from backups without corrupting your profile

You cannot do anything about this, short of buying a new 360.

There may be more functionality disabled than mentioned here, things are still being discovered.

- So what caused my ban?
There are MANY theories as to what is causing so many consoles to get banned this time, however as of yet there is nothing concrete, just a lot of circumstantial evidence and speculation. Please do not add to this, a full investigation is under-way.


Audioholic Overlord
I never pirate, but I still won't be going online that would stink to get hosed by a buggy MS program.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Looks like the Arcade has internal memory anyway, so no need for the hard drive! :D


Audioholic Samurai
Looks like the Arcade has internal memory anyway, so no need for the hard drive! :D
256MB of Internal memory.:eek:. I almost forgot about the 512MB card that also comes with it for a grand total of 768MB.:eek: you most likely know this if you were to buy the HDD package for it, it would put you in the price range of the Elite might as well get the Elite right off IMO.


Audioholic Field Marshall
256MB of Internal memory.:eek:. I almost forgot about the 512MB card that also comes with it for a grand total of 768MB.:eek: you most likely know this if you were to buy the HDD package for it, it would put you in the price range of the Elite might as well get the Elite right off IMO.
Update for you Ares. Hard drive swap is fine and the console isn't banned. My friend took his hard drive and put it in an Arcade Walmart bundle he bought!

So, looks like it's fine. The memory card ended back in 2008. Now it's only 512MB internal.


Audioholic Samurai
Thanks for the update Nemo and I'm glad that it all worked out in the end. So it looks like they banned the console itself,which didn't affect the HDD that is very good news.


Audioholic Samurai
Thought that this would add something to the topic.

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It's sad more and more people are getting screwed like this. After the Microsoft Xbox 360 Halloween massacre the market was flooded with insanely low priced Xbox's all with over-the-top anecdotal stories of why the xbox is being sold so cheap.



Audioholic Samurai
Microsoft will keep doing this as long as people keep modding the 360 to play pirated games.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Microsoft will keep doing this as long as people keep modding the 360 to play pirated games.
I agree, but here's my issue. If you damage a disc, you need to pay a minimum of $20 to replace a disc that cost them $1 max to press and $3 max to ship. That includes if your disc was scratched by the system itself, and MS along with publishers tried to fight those claims years ago.

They could fix that situation by simply voiding warranties on consoles that are modified, but to ban the consoles is actually a pretty stupid thing to do. For one, they generate revenue online, and you actually don't lose anything by keeping the consoles online. The majority of true pirates (not backup creators) wouldn't spend the money on the actual game anyway, so it's not a lost sale. The rest are simply trying to protect an investment, the same way they want to use backup DVDs for movies. The fact is, they might just decrease their revenues from the backup creators, who are paying customers, as retaliation against the real pirates, who wouldn't be paying customers anyway.

It's like the PC application piracy issue. Pirates don't cost you money because they weren't likely to buy the software anyway. I don't know anyone with a pirated version of Photoshop that would buy if it they couldn't pirate it, and I don't know any legit license owners that would pirate it because they value the support and documentation. The difference is, those legit license holders do make backups of their discs and archive the originals just in case. PS2 is the most sold and successful console to date. It is also easy to pirate those games. Coincidence? Think about it.


Audioholic Samurai
I agree, but here's my issue. If you damage a disc, you need to pay a minimum of $20 to replace a disc that cost them $1 max to press and $3 max to ship. That includes if your disc was scratched by the system itself, and MS along with publishers tried to fight those claims years ago.

They could fix that situation by simply voiding warranties on consoles that are modified, but to ban the consoles is actually a pretty stupid thing to do. For one, they generate revenue online, and you actually don't lose anything by keeping the consoles online. The majority of true pirates (not backup creators) wouldn't spend the money on the actual game anyway, so it's not a lost sale. The rest are simply trying to protect an investment, the same way they want to use backup DVDs for movies. The fact is, they might just decrease their revenues from the backup creators, who are paying customers, as retaliation against the real pirates, who wouldn't be paying customers anyway.

It's like the PC application piracy issue. Pirates don't cost you money because they weren't likely to buy the software anyway. I don't know anyone with a pirated version of Photoshop that would buy if it they couldn't pirate it, and I don't know any legit license owners that would pirate it because they value the support and documentation. The difference is, those legit license holders do make backups of their discs and archive the originals just in case. PS2 is the most sold and successful console to date. It is also easy to pirate those games. Coincidence? Think about it.
Nemo I agree with you there is alot of other ways to handle this than an out right ban such as,pirated games don't receive support, non availability of DLC , games can't be played online. MS does a mass ban because in their minds it saves them money, PS2 is the most successful for alot of reasons sure pirated games played a part in that success but also it had a library of PS1 games to draw from plus some of the best game exclusives at the time.At that time the other consoles on the market were a joke, let's see we had Xbox,Gamecube and Dreamcast.

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