Chris, Annunaki - Appreciate your input.
Seems jliedeka and I have similar musical tastes. I listen to alot of metal too, and much of it has rapid double bass.
Essential I'm looking for a compact sub for my 2.1 PC audio system that can cleanly play that double bass. I don't need alot of output, and for my case extension really only needs to be -3db in the mid 30's I'd say. The small amp I use has a built in 100Hz LP, so that sub would need to play up to that crossover point.
I'm currently using an Aperion S8-APR in this setup, and it has plenty of output for my townhome living situation. More would only anger the neighbors. It's a very compact sub - 11" cube enclosure (w/o feet, grill, amp). It's a nice little sub, but while punchy, it still isn't articulate enough for my demands.
So I'm looking for something that gives me improved SQ over the Aperion but in a similar sized enclosure - basically as small as I can go . There are/will be a few small sealed 10" commercial options (Martin Logan Dynamo and Emotiva Ultra 10 come to mind) that can be had for <$400 so I'm really trying to stay in the less than that range for the driver/amp combo. The only reason I considered the HiVi within budget is b/c I've seen it on sale at PE for around $130 before.
I know - I'm asking for alot here. But I figured it was worth looking into the DIY realm to see if I could make it happen.