I watched Conspiracy Theory once... sham. A lot of the claims were a bit of a stretch, IMO for the sake of higher ratings and fabricated dramatic effect on the viewer. They have to pull 'em in somehow.
Really badly acted, too. Poorly scripted and obviously sensationalized, but if it gets some people to be skeptical of government and demand that they work
for us instead of behind our backs, it will be a good thing, IMO. Using people to spy on each other is bad enough but when a government uses that information to further their control over the general population, it's a major problem. They went into mind control, a la The Manchurian Candidate, too. On one level, I hope it's not possible to make someone totally forget what they have done but for those in the military who have to live with their acts, whether intentional or accidental, I hope they could use it to help.
I seriously doubt that will happen, though.