Netflix to delay availability of new releases?



Audioholic Slumlord
I read a lot of other industry news web sites and what happens with netflix it's just a beginning. Soon other movie studios will make similar deals with rest of movies rent companies. Redbox is already not getting new releases and Imo BB will be next on the chopping block.


Audioholic Samurai
I read a lot of other industry news web sites and what happens with netflix it's just a beginning. Soon other movie studios will make similar deals with rest of movies rent companies. Redbox is already not getting new releases and Imo BB will be next on the chopping block.
I have to agree on that point after this the rest will fall in line, but I believe that Netflix will come out of this in the end much stronger than it went in. Since they set themselves up with the ability to stream movies which should payoff in the future JMO.


Full Audioholic
I read a lot of other industry news web sites and what happens with netflix it's just a beginning. Soon other movie studios will make similar deals with rest of movies rent companies. Redbox is already not getting new releases and Imo BB will be next on the chopping block.
I forgot that redbox was having a hard time with new releases. There isn't a BB in the area so I may be stuck with paying a little more with Family Video.


Audioholic Jedi
Exactly, I doubt switching back to Blockbuster will help because they will almost certainly be forced to do the same thing.


Audioholic Overlord
No you understood it right, they will not be able to show new releases for 28 days via streaming or DVD/BD and in exchange they will get a catalog of WB TV Shows and Older Movies that they did not have before. It seems that Netflix goal is long term they foresee that streaming will be the future of rentals. Let's think long term for a moment no shipping cost, little to no storage cost, I can't say how much Netflix spends on these 2 items but it has to be a large sum. This deal in the short term sucks for the consumer and to some extent I agree with BoredSysAdmin ,WB could have prevented Netflix from renting but they wouldn't because they would lose money, Netflix buys the DVDs/BDs and in turn rents it to us. So in the the short term WB wins but if everything plays out the way it should Netflix wins in the long term.
If this is the case I stand behind my previous statement, IT'S STUPID AND SHORT SITED!

I don't think the studio can force anyone into doing this if they don't want to.


Audioholic Spartan
This reminds me somewhat of what happened with ATM's.
At first they were free. Then a few years down the road when most people couldn't live without them, banks started to charge fees.

I think at first people will be pissed; then once they realize they're powerless, they will just stick with Nflix.


Audioholic Jedi
I think at first people will be pissed; then once they realize they're powerless, they will just stick with Nflix.
Powerless? There was life before Netflix, and there will be after. :)

EDIT: Oh, but I'm one of the people that won't use an ATM if it's going to charge me...


Audioholic Spartan
Powerless? There was life before Netflix, and there will be after. :)

EDIT: Oh, but I'm one of the people that won't use an ATM if it's going to charge me...
I agree, and I'm the same way with ATM's.
Just think the majority will fold.:D


Audioholic Spartan
I agree, and I'm the same way with ATM's.
Just think the majority will fold.:D
Me too. The ONLY time I'll pay for an ATM is when I'm travelling and I have no choice. But then it pisses me off even more because you get charged twice, (once to use the ATM, then again by your bank for not using one of their ATM's). :mad:


Audioholic Overlord
Me too. The ONLY time I'll pay for an ATM is when I'm travelling and I have no choice. But then it pisses me off even more because you get charged twice, (once to use the ATM, then again by your bank for not using one of their ATM's). :mad:
I don't use ATMs because of the charge. I've never used Netflix, and I certainly won't use them now.


Audioholic Samurai
Wait there are still ATMs?:rolleyes: I haven't used an ATM since they were free to use,I use plastic or my debit card since 95% of stores take either one. I guess it's the nature of the beast every company try's to get you by the :D:D.


Audioholic Jedi
...every company try's to get you by the :D:D.
After seeing Alex's tequila-swigging date, that quote would have worked better for me with with either the :rolleyes:, :cool:, ;), :confused:, or :eek: symbols.



Audioholic Samurai
After seeing Alex's tequila-swigging date, that quote would have worked better for me with with either the :rolleyes:, :cool:, ;), :confused:, or :eek: symbols.

Your right I think I should have went with these :eek::eek: instead.


Audioholic General
For me, this is much ado about nothing. I usually have around 60 movies in my Netflix queue, mostly older films. If I really wanted to see newer movies right away, I'd go to the theater.

For me, Netflix is a way to check out movies that I'm not certain I want to buy but still want to see. For movies I already like, or am pretty sure I will like, I just buy the BD when it comes out.

I do agree that the movie studios could be shooting themselves in the foot. I've already bought movies after watching them from Netflix. I probably still will but not as soon as I would have.

One big issue for me is the unrealistic pricing of BluRays. Most of them still have an MSRP of $40 even though I've paid as little as $8.99 for some. I've learned to add movies to my Amazon wish list and wait until the price comes down. If a movie is over $20 when it first comes out but will drop to $15 in a couple of months, I'm less likely to pre-order a movie.



Audioholic Jedi
Me too. The ONLY time I'll pay for an ATM is when I'm travelling and I have no choice. But then it pisses me off even more because you get charged twice, (once to use the ATM, then again by your bank for not using one of their ATM's). :mad:
Get a credit union. They don't charge to use anyone else's ATM and any charges you get from the ATM you can submit a statement at the end of the month and they will refund them to you. If I need money, I just go to a store, buy a pack of gum and get cash back. FREE.


Audioholic Intern
Get a credit union. They don't charge to use anyone else's ATM and any charges you get from the ATM you can submit a statement at the end of the month and they will refund them to you. If I need money, I just go to a store, buy a pack of gum and get cash back. FREE.
We are with a Credit Union, still get dinked for using other banks ATMs. No offers to reimburse. Yeah... I know, get a new bank. :rolleyes:


Senior Audioholic
My bank just pays me back for any ATM fees. I don't have to submit anything...they just do it on their own. USAA is the best!

On to the Netflix debate. This move won't change anything. Netflix is still the best and they will stay on top. If enough studios make a similar deal with Netflix and offer up discounts to Netflix under this type of deal...we may see cheaper membership fees. Even cheaper than that already ridiculous membership fee. Heck, even if they don't offer us a cheaper membership fee, I am willing to bet that they won't have to raise their fees to us in order to stay profitable while others will (unless they make a similar deal). In the long many netflix movies do you get from them that are new releases within the 28 day window? There aren't that many that come out. Anybody that is getting their money's worth out of the Netflix membership is going to find that the majority of their movie watching comes from material that is outside of this window. I'm sicking with Netflix...and I bet most of you all will too.


Audioholic Overlord
How does waiting 28 more days change anything? It's only a month more of a wait. You've already waited several months and the turn around on movies is still better than it was a decade ago. As far as netflix delaying shipments to abusers of their service. I'm glad to hear they don't stick it to us average users.

This doesn't change anything IMO. It's not like there are a ton of good new releases anyway. :rolleyes:

There might be 1 or 2 good movies a year and I buy them to show my support for excellent film makers. The rest I can wait a few years to watch if necessary. ;)


Audioholic Jedi
I was going to cancel my Netflix and go back to Blockbuster today.

But then I remembered something kids love the FREE INSTANT streaming!!!:eek:

I believe Blockbuster charges you a fee every time you download a movie to watch, right? That sucks.

So, I will continue with Netflix for now.

I suppose 1 month isn't all that bad.

Besides, I usually watch most of the movies at the movie theaters anyway.:D


This is a pain, but Netflix would have to do a lot worse than this in order for me to go to Blockbuster. BB is the worst.

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