For me, this is much ado about nothing. I usually have around 60 movies in my Netflix queue, mostly older films. If I really wanted to see newer movies right away, I'd go to the theater.
For me, Netflix is a way to check out movies that I'm not certain I want to buy but still want to see. For movies I already like, or am pretty sure I will like, I just buy the BD when it comes out.
I do agree that the movie studios could be shooting themselves in the foot. I've already bought movies after watching them from Netflix. I probably still will but not as soon as I would have.
One big issue for me is the unrealistic pricing of BluRays. Most of them still have an MSRP of $40 even though I've paid as little as $8.99 for some. I've learned to add movies to my Amazon wish list and wait until the price comes down. If a movie is over $20 when it first comes out but will drop to $15 in a couple of months, I'm less likely to pre-order a movie.